

Classroom Rules
I came across this interesting poster posted by a facebook friend and thought I'll repost it.
It nicely summarised what I've been saying all along with regards trying to think beyond what you are currently doing and be brave to explore new areas.
I said brave because many are unwilling to make mistake. They fear failure. They want to get 100 marks for everything.
The only sure road is the road you walk everyday. You can be a perfect walker on that road but you will never discover anything new; not the bird in the bush nor the flower that bloom in spring.
Yes, the walk to discover the chipping birds and unfolding flowers takes you through muddy track and gives you mosquito bites.
Yes, it is not as perfect as the walk along the familiar aisle of of a cool shopping mall.
Yes, it will not provide you the ever familiar cafe for you to rest and drink your cafe latte.
But it does transform you from a frog in a well to a bird with wings to wander round the wonders of the world. Through the wind and storm of new discovery, you encounter pain and through the pain the joy of success.
Every new "misteak" you make is a new lesson learnt.
Every new lesson learnt brings you new experience.
Every new experience gain is a new brick in building a stronger and more resilient character.
The character you develop years later comes from all the pain, the mistakes and the uncertain road you took. You have created a new YU! That is the purpose of education.


财神 2014-08-06 20:32

only the repetition of mistakes is not learning but correction after  is the learning.