

Cultural hegemony

According to Vladimir Lenin, imperialism is a natural feature of developed capitalist nation state as it matures into monopoly capitalism. He also pointed out in his work Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, that twentieth centurys capitalism had entered the highest and final stage, with the development of monopoly which marks the triumph of capitalism and its market economy . It is very controversial whether this is the highest stage of capitalism, however, as conflict-ridden as globalisation is, rich capitalist countries has greatly improved their dominant role in most areas through the worldwide movement and flow of people, goods, information, and cultures across national borders .

Take a closer look at America, which is the current only state with pre-eminencein every realm of power: economic, political, technological, and ideological.After war on terror, America declared its intention of becoming he most powerful state in history to maintain its hegemony .Although developing countries such as BRIC ( Brazil, Russia, India, China ) are emerging very fast and demonstrate huge potential to grow , America remains the only superpower compared to other countries in this world. Despite the impact of economic crisis in 2008, Americas economic strength has played a long-time leading role in world affairs, and Americas military outlays are around 35% of the global total. Its main allies account for another 25% or so , and recent years continue to witness the growing intention of Americas seeking world power and hegemony status .

Besides from economy or military, cultural hegemony has been one of the most prominent in todays world, as capitalist worldview is imposed and accepted as the global cultural norm by western bloc .One of the most important Marxist thinkers of the twentieth century , Antonio Gramsci, who greatly expand the concept of hegemony, suggested that , a ruling class must exert intellectual and moral leadership to achieve hegemony through its own social values, ideas, institutions and so on. The ideologies portrayed in the wide-spread American TV series, movies, clothes, famous brands, books and so on, is gaining its popularity and has influenced countless people across different nations with different backgrounds. Whether it's the convenient and quick life style behind hundreds and thousands of MacDonalds stores, the innovation and high technology demonstrated in the brand of Apple and Microsoft, or political pursuit expressed in the movies, American culture has been so overwhelming in a global scale . And America continues seeking to extend its culture influence and ideologies across the world, as it is pursuing global dominance in almost every realm.


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