

Does sexy advertisements really sell? Not really.

It has been claimed by many people that, the golden rule in advertising industry is: sex sells. And nowadays , more and more advertising has been created with sexually provocative information to promote sells. This abundance and ubiquity of sexual imagery in advertising can be proved almost everywhere.

Recently, I read a research from CNN , adopting an indepth questionnaire and online discussion involving people aged between 18-25, shows that advertisements containing sexual information do attract viewers eyes, especially when the products are sex-related, like underwear or condom. However, it does not always work for everything and is not useful for those products that are not associated with sex. Furthermore, its unlikely to promote the sell if the sexual elements contained are not related with the products features or benefits.

When it comes to movie, as Simonton, who is a professor of psychology at the University of California, said, "Sex did not sell, whether in the domestic or international box office, and even after controlling for MPAA rating," . "In other words, even among R movies, less graphic sex is better."

Therefore, it is highly necessary that companies which have been or try to continue using sex as a selling tool reconsider their advertising strategies, which also give rise to many controversial issues regarding its impact toward s society.


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