

how a university looks like after it was hit by Rammasun

Typhoon Rammasun brought gales, downpours and floods to four southern provincial-level regions, affecting over 11 million people in Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan and Guangxi.

A total of 862,000 people have been resettled and some 261,000 are in urgent need of basic necessities.

I am studying in Hainan, the lucky thing is when the Typhoon hit our university, i was not there. Some of my roommates went through the worst night without electricity and water in their whole life time . It felt like the whole building was gonna fall down under the influence of typhoon.

This is how a university looks like after it was hit by the strongest typhoon in four decades: Rammasun.

And here are two pictures of our original university.Despite the huge contrast, I do believe that we will recover the beauty and energy of this university in the near future.


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