

One Yuan
On the way home I passed by a stall, which displays all kinds of beautiful hairpins. Attacted by them, I picked two for myself.
"How much are they?" I asked the vendor.
"20 yuan", he replied.
In my subconscious, it's silly not to bargain when buying stuff in a stall.
"Well," I said, "Could you give me a discount?"
"Uh...OK...OK, 19, can't be cheaper any more." He agreed as if he had suffered great loss.
It seemed to me that I had finished the routine bargaining process and resolved with this.
"Ah, 20 yuan, deal, I just hope the hairpins' quality won't disappoint me."
I handed 20 yuan to him as soon as I finished my words and in a haste of leaving. When I was about to take my hairpins to go, he took them away saying he would have them packed.
"Oh, no, no need to pack them, save your bags", I said quickly.
Then I saw a one yuan note together with the packed hairpins on his hand.
I took the hairpins from him, gave back the one yuan note and said, " No, you take it please!"
However no matter what I said, he insisted to give the one yuan note to me.
I looked at him and smiled. I knew that the one yuan note was not just a discount he gave me, it was also a gift. I eliminated the interest conflict and brings kindness.
I guess to make the world more harmonious we just need to be a warm person ourselves.
(A story told by my friend.)


teamkrejados 2014-09-01 08:30

We (foreigners) are told that if we don't bargain, we're not respected. I guess he was showing respect by giving back that one Yuan.