

Is SEX Really That Important?

So, what do you think, guys?
Is SEX really that important?
Can you accept if your wife only will do it with you once a year?

Please write your response in comment section bellow =)

Disclaimer : Scenes from the movie "If You Are The One" aka 非诚勿扰 starring Ge You and Shu Qi.
If you are interested, look for it in Youku or Asiatorrent.
I made the image by myself.


Maierwei 2014-08-12 08:35

If a woman says she wants to have sex only once a year it means she DOES NOT ENJOY sex and sees it as a chore that needs to be avoided... Which is not hard to understand because that's what the society dictates.

We live in societies where sex is a guilt and is shameful, yet in the same societies sex is used massively to sell various products and sexiness becomes the most important source for confidence. We value sex greatly, but degrade it at the same time. This contrast creates lots of problems especially in youth, and starting from youth it is distributed into all age groups in our societies.

Espectations from boys and girls, men and women differ greatly and many ideologies feed on this such as nationalism, chauvinism......... If societies don't raise girls as sex negative, then the whole structure would change. No woman would settle for a self sacrificing life, and would pursue her own preferences and options and pleasures. Our current societies accept gender equality only in terms of that women need to "obey" what they should and don't go discover more.

So in short, the answer to "is sex that important" is an open secret.
If anyone is interested, you can start reading literary analysis. Psycho analytic approach, feminist and queer theories can help you understand the "universal culture" more.