

My Sisters in North of China.
Then there is a long time before I publish a blog again. I am so sorry to visit you online ,my friends ,still most of your names are too hard to remember. I can just say colinspeakman, because first time I saw the name I thought the was a speakman of one city called colin. no offence. and I try to mention Maierwei, and the lovely Chinese girl who talk to me online in English(seems a little wired.)and of course , the lady form great France _ teamkrejados it is really hard for me to remember that, many times I just work and work, but you are my friends here in the blog area. Maybe one day you can go to the BBS area. I am so glad to see you.
But this blog is written when I back home I mean after taking a 4 hour' trip on then high speed train.then I leave Shangdong and back to Hangzhou. actually it's really hot here. I need to open the air-condition. Well but that is not the point.
The blog I want to talk about my sisters, one of them is my classmate and one of them is her roomate. I just can tell one of they is from Finland and one of them is from Russia. I am not gonna to tell you that they are very nice and we become very good friends. even the things are like that .well you can still tell me that I like dominant women..well. Maierwei, this time just pass me.
Actually .Anni . who from Finland is cool ,and she is a girl like cool things and well sometimes is emotional, but Nastya who also called Ana. has a cute face who seems like a Child. but many times she can be tough.That is the family I got in North.But I won't tell you what the real relation we are.maybe you can guess. in Chinese way ,NOT in the ridiculous western way.
Wow.Ana is Childish and always like painting and singing .so in fact she and I have many things in common. like some music.and some movies and still some classic music I like sucks in her view. and actually many times she and I like the Children when Anni need to be the judge of us. Ana is as young as me ,and Anni a liitle older ,because most of my classmates are older than me. but Anni is a freshman in housework and Ana is a good one, so whne come to the dinner or the washing stuff , Anni will be a Child. Anni is like a spoiled girl many times and there are so many Chinese or foreigners want to talk to her or flirt with her.when I go out with her. she is like a modern woman and sometimes really hot. but still many times I am try to protect her and make things awkward. Not less one time I told her ,do not smoke and do not trust Chinese in a bar or a club ,and be careful about that. well ,seems I am cross the line. But I still do not want to anything bad happend on her. because she is my sister and she is in my country. and I will take the duty.but well ,I do not have time to go out with Ana ,because she is always busy ,we always go to KtV and I love to hear she sing the VITAS.That is awesome and she has a good voice. That is very cool.
Well ,I love my sisters (really sometimes they make fun of my and I fight back , we are family that is cool )but nowaday ,Ana need to look after her little brother in Russia ,and Anni has the urgent thing in Finland ,so we just apart this summer holiday which make all of us, said. after that ,Ana paint a china pig for my to remind her, and Anni gave me a pine cone. ridiculous .I told her. she thought pine cone is not the south stuff what a lovely sister.
but anyway I am touched ,not the gifts but my sister.well ,I do not take them as my foreigners friends to show off. that is ridiculous and disrepectful ,and that are not the aliens or monkeys. but my sisters ,but Anni still make friends randomly makes me worried since Iron Lady Maierwei suffered a lot in Hangzhou ,I am so worried. But I hope they can be safe and sound and I'd like to see them next semester.


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