

Do You Love Your Present Life?
About one month ago, one of my senior high school classmates rang me and told me that she was considering to quit her job as a teacher in the high school attached to Hunan Normal University. I was so shocked because being a teache in such a school is many people's dream in my hometown. This is an "iron bowl" with high salary and long holidays. Then she explained that she have felt a lot of pressure teaching students, especially when most of students' parents constanly send her presents or invite her to dinner and she found it's hard to treat every student fairly. What's more, what she's been lecturing is aiming at exams thus very boring.
She asked me what my life is like. I suggest her think twice before she quit because life in big cities is not easy either. You are on your own most of the time without families being around. You need to cook for yourself after work because you cannot always eat outside. You need to cram into crowded bus or metro for one hour or two everyday. Of course there are advantages working or living in big cities. You get to know a lot of excellent people from who you can learn a lot. You have acess to many new and modern stuff. You can participate some of the big events or activities, etc. To sum up, every coin has two side. She agreed and said she would think about it.
Recently I have found this friend of mine is sharing her pictures in school on Wechat and QQ Zone and she looks happy.
Today I happened to read an article "爱你现在的时光(Love Your Present)" written by Bai Yansong(白岩松). He said, "What's gone is gone so don't obsessed with the past; the future hasn't come yet so don't be anxious", "There is a mysterious logic of life, that is, if you live life to the fullest each day, you will embrace a good tomorrow." I think it's true. What we should do is cherish what we have now and love our present life.


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