

To My Father

Just go ahead, I'm your strong back-up always!

----Father's word

My father, to me, is the best father in this world.

My father was born in 1954 in a farmer's family, the seventh child. He had a hungry childhood. When I was young, he always said:" Don't waste any food. Although you are in a rich society, you don't need to worry your diners. Do you know? When I was a child, if I can find some leaves from the trees and some edible wild herbs in the earth, that was a wonderful thing for me." There are many members in his family, they can't have enough food all the time. During his childhood, he didn't need to go to school, but needed to look for more leaves or wild herbs for himself and his family. As we always eat the vegetables from the market, I often argue that I would like to taste some edible wild herbs, but unluckily there is no chance. Every generation has his happy and bad days.

My father has only gone to school for five years. He said when he knew some words and knew how to count, his educated life was end. He went to a carpenter as an apprentice. My father is a genious person, he know a lot in this world. He can mend all the electric appliances and connect the wires, he can mend the tubes, he can build a house (we don't have much money, he and mom built the house by themselves.) After his marriage, he needed to get much more money to support his future family, so he didn't continue his carpenter. My father tried to sell chickens and vegetables along the train, he can't make any profit from there due to his character. And then, my uncle taught him to butcher pigs and sell the porks in the market. He can't make a lot because of his honest character. In a market, you should have a good tougue, but after 30 years' selling, my father doesn't know how to shout. Luckily, his honest can get some regular customers.

Although his education is limited and he can't make big money, he always said to us, " Just go ahead and do what you like, I'm your strong back-up always." My confidence is from his words. Although I changed to inferiority after my university graduation. These words always lived in my heart and supported me all to look for the real life all the time.

I like to travel because I believe that learn more and travel more are the same important things in one's life. My father said:" You can't travel with my money because I haven't enjoyed the journey by my money, you don't have the right to use my money to travel. If you need and would like to travel around the world, you should study hard and earn the money by yourself." Who earns, who can use for entertainment. I get this idea and approve it, I never ask my father to support me for my travelling.

My father, little education from the school, but he learned a lot from the society. Many good ideas I learnt from him. Hope my father can have a good life after his retire. Love you all the time, Daddy.


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