

Beautiful Father's Day Poems

1.A thank you letter to our fathers:

Father's Day
Over the years
As we grow old,
We remember our father
So brave and bold.

In the garden,
Leaning on the plow,
He would listen to me;
I see him now.

He would give advice
And understand;
He was always there
To lend a hand.

God made fathers
Strong and firm,
For he knew our lives
Would have great concerns.

So he gave us fathers
To teach us to pray,
And guide our lives,
And show us the way.

So on his day
Let's take the time
To say "Thanks, dad.
I'm glad you're mine."

2.Growing up with our dads:


When I was just a tiny kid,
Do you remember when,
The time you kissed my bruises,
Or cleaned by soiled chin?

It seems like only yesterday,
You wiped away my tears,
And late at night I called your name,
To chase away my fears.

Though time has changed your handsome grip,
Your hair is snowy white,
You gait's a little slower now,
Thick glasses help your sight.

Oh, do I thirst for years gone by,
To be that growing lad,
Re-living all of the memories,
Of growing with my dad.

3.Best memories of our dads:

Memories Of My Dad

He wasn't a hero,
Known by the world.
But a hero he was,
To his little girl.

My daddy was God,
Who knew all things.
And better than Santa,
With the gifts he'd bring.

I knew his voice,
Before I could speak.
And loved it when,
He would sing me to sleep.

He changed my diapers,
And sat up all night.
When my body was weak
And I'd put up a fight.

He'd come home late,
With not much to say.
And made us all kneel,
As he taught me to pray.

He taught me life's lessons,
Of right from wrong.
And instilled in me values,
That I might be strong.

And so through the years,
Like a hero he stood.
Working to give,
All that he could.

His presence was important,
And we loved to see him smile.
For no one in the world,
Could emulate his style.

And so dear Dad,
My best memory to recall.
Is the gift of your presence,
The greatest gift of all.

4.A Letter from a Father who has gone

Though I'm Gone

To my dear family,
I'm sending this from above,
That even though I'm gone from earth,
I can still feel your love,
And all the times we spent together,
Growing a love that would last forever,
Are times that will never leave,
Because you remember me.
I'm sorry about the timing,
For I didn't want to leave,
But God called me home,
So I fell into eternal sleep.
There was so much left to do here,
Cause God took me quite young,
I had a loving family,
And so much to teach my son.
I'm sure you all can make it,
You have God by your side,
And just to let you know,
I'm enjoying this long heavenly harley ride.
If any of you ever need me,
Just close your eyes and I'll be there,
I'll help you through your life,
If you remember how much I cared.
I want you all to know today,
That I love you very much,
And even though I'm gone from earth,
I can still feel your love.

5. the circle of being a dad:

Family Circle

When I am born, you are here
In your eye, I see a tear
Time flies and already I'm two
"Look, Daddy, I can tie my shoe!"

Before you know it, I'm five
Every day, you thank God I'm alive
Pretty soon, I turn eight
You tell me I'm never allowed to date

I'm already twelve in my preteen years
Which means you'll help me with all my new fears
Now fourteen with my permit to drive
Waiting to hit the big one-five

Too early comes sixteen, with my license now
It went by too fast, you just ask how

You want to meet my boyfriend when I'm eighteen
I pray to God that you're not too mean
The same guy two years later asks for my hand
I'm relieved when you say, that's just grand

About a year later, you walk me down the aisle
Through all the tears, you bare a smile
Three years later, you're gonna be a grandfather
You show love and pride for your new granddaughter

Another year down the road
Mom dies, oh the many tears that flowed
You're not doing so well without her
Less than a year later, you forgot all about her

Alzheimer's sets in and it scares me so
Not long after, you decide to go
Now I'm regretting not saying goodbye
Every time I think about it, I start to cry

The cycle has begun again
It has started over with little Megan
The other day, she turned two
And said, "Look, daddy, I can tie my shoe!"

At last, thank you dad, we love you.


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