

An expat shopping mistake
2014-06-09 It's easy to do, walk into a market, see the sale items stacked at the entrance and grab one. Perhaps you are thinking of the things you came in to buy and just absently grab something not on your list but which looks like a "good buy." The ubiquitous bargain! Be careful! If you don't read mandarin or only know a few characters such as myself, you can come home with a surprise in your bag.
It looked innocent enough-- a large half gallon plastic bottle of clear liquid. Surely this was water. There was the character for water on it, along with some other characters. So when I decided to fill my glass with water which I didn't need to boil first, I reached for my new purchase, unscrewed the top and pulled the finger tab on the plastic sealer and stopped. It seemed a bit "over the top" (bad English pun) to have a plastic sealer instead of a paper one for a bottle of water. I hesitated and then sniffed. Whoa! This is definitely not water!. My first thought was that it was a bottle of Vodka. But I knew I hadn't paid much for it and liquor is very expensive. So, what then? If my first impression was that it smelled like alcohol, then it must be alcohol. Or rather rubbing alcohol. A common household disinfectant. I got out my handy dandy pocket translator and sure enough the characters in my translator for rubbing alcohol matched the bottle's label. Sooooo, very glad that I didn't take a drink. I probably would not have died but I could have been very sick. But probably I would have spit it out. Maybe. Anyway, I did not take that dangerous drink.
I am left with one large container filled with rubbing alcohol which I don't really need, but maybe, glass cleaner? clean the door knobs? fixtures? stains on the wood floor? I'm looking around trying to see some uses for this....hmmmm.


Maierwei 2014-06-09 14:23

Are you sure it's not 白酒?
It's good to use the dictionary while shopping! An American friend got miso (fermented soybean paste) in Japan thinking it is peanut butter....

ColinSpeakman 2014-06-09 12:46

I hope it did not cost too much!

teamkrejados 2014-06-09 10:58

How about as a refreshing astringent? Not on the face, but arms and legs? Of course, you might need lotion afterward  

csj478504919 2014-06-09 10:30

Apparently you need a translator to accompany you to go shopping.