

Staying Cool in the Summer Heats
2014-05-30 During these scorching hot summer days, I think back when I cursed at Winter's cruelty. Those below zero temperature and freezing chills that left me unable to move because of the thickness of the jackets and coverings that engulf me. The fevers and colds I had to suffer under. Now I long for the bleak whiteness embrace.

Is this the beauty of having four seasons? Each season serves to make one appreciate the other season.

Studies indicate people become more hot-tempered, and easily angered during extreme weathers. More so during these summer heats. Normal recommendation is 8 glasses of water. These days I go for 14-16 glasses. One habit I've picked up is to bring a 1 to 1.5 Liter bottle wherever I go.

And whenever it is empty, I find a way to refill it right away even when I am not yet thirsty. Since the bigger bottle is heavier to carry around, I'll be encouraged to drink more to lessen the weight I have to carry around. Thus making me drink more.

Please stay cool.


bex 2014-06-03 15:05

8 glasses, how much liters in total? thats a lot ! apparently im not drinking enough, but these days are raining tempeture dropped lots, now is only 17 degree.