

The Purpose of Life

To see a world in a grain of sand,

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour.

By William Blake

Where is the meaning of life?

From ancient to modern times, some scholars and literary giants in all over the world left us a large amount of famous aphorism about life that is beneficial to cultivate our minds and characters, one of among them is a poem from Auguries of Innocence by William Blake.

Coincidently, in the Buddhism, Zen ingeniously tells the similar meaning as to life from a lection called the Heart is when the Lotus Opens.

Personally, both them are attaching importance to the timelessness of life. The reason why I consider this question is that gradually I believe vitality is a symbol of living and when it is vanished by death the process is equal to zero. Later, for fear of losing me,Imagination is my soul mate showing me several pictures so as to give me a hint where is the meaning of life.

Just a Child

In the corner of eye,

Smiling is he as a young child

That emits strength and hope;

Catching butterflies,

The boy is cheerfully running in sunshine

And cast his shadow over the broad and blue-green field.

In the youth

In the blood,

Ambition and impulse is swelling.

Yearned to be admitted,

Also afraid of disapproval is he.

Ignorance of the adolescence

Helps him strongly believe

His omnipotence can heal the world.

Therefore, been rebuffed has he by life, always.

Mature period

The trace of time

So deeply stamps into his face everywhere.

Even so, with smiling and wrinkled face

He is answering all that he saw, heard and thought.

Still strove hard for a better life,

Though he used to live calmly.

Grey hairs

Before the winter,

Agedness is like a withered tree.

A bent-over old man

Insists on

Accompanying a gust to the door tremulously.

And reluctant to leave.

No sooner has the person gone away

Than the tea cools down,

Which is the demonstration of dreariness?

At midnight,

Blizzard gets over that low grave.

Where is the meaning of life?

Does it lie in the process of beginning and ending of birth?

Perhaps not,

The life consists in its innocence, cheer, maturity, eternity and miracle.


茉莉儿 2014-06-05 20:22


juliuy 2014-06-04 00:11

The purpose and meaning of life are very interesting topics indeed. Keep on writing about them!

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-25 16:04

I will have a think about the mature period. Maybe other things to add!