

A golden Principle to live a happy life…

There are no set rules to live a happy life. Everyone looks Life, relationships, happiness and friendships from his/her own angle. I just pondered over what we can do for our love ones to make them happy and live their lives as they wanted.

It is possible by giving them the SPACE.

Giving space can create and develop trust, friendship, honesty and LOVE.


teamkrejados 2014-05-24 07:35

I too agree with 财神. One broad philosophy I believe is: while one pursues his/her own passions, s/he should not harm or hurt others.

Jabin 2014-05-23 21:01

Well said. 财神... I agree.. but sometime in every situation the same principle does not work..

财神 2014-05-23 20:58

There are so many philosophy to live the life. only need to stable on own principal