

A marvelous vision and heart feast of tonight~

It’s a great honor for us to invite a philharmonic society, to come to our campus to play these such enjoyable music. This group named Ai Yue, containing seventy people and a conductor , and is known all over the nation. What surprises most was the conductor, who has a good sense of humor and he is approachable as well, he cheers all of present students and teachers up , the whole spot burst out laughing! Actually, I had thought that this concert feast could not be as relaxing as it is ,but the fact is opposite! Although many of us are not very familiar with the professional knowledge of music, this conductor teaches us how to appreciate these music with patience ,what’ s more, the conductor encourages us to come to the stage and stand at the right position that he stands to conduct the group to play some compositions ,and he promises that if who dare to come to the stage , you will have a good chance to get tickets of his philharmonic society. Immediately, there are six students coming to the stage , as a result,all of these student behaves pretty good and finally get the tickets for free, activating the whole scene!~

In the next plays, this conductor recalls me of a beautiful article , inside of it writes the real beauty of a person. I can’t agree with it more, because whether a man is beautiful or not doesn’t lie in the appearance of a man owns but the inside heart of him. As a piece of saying says: the beauty of a man is the accumulation and the time deposit he has acquired .If you want to be successful ,it’s crucial for you to pay great attention to your qualities and the beautiful inside your heart.


小草Mark 2014-05-24 18:19

yes,the feeling is great! before I attend this concert,I have thought that I might never have a chance to appreciate such wonderful concert!

Gprincessdiary 2014-05-23 12:02

it looks awesome!