

The book I am reading now
I have no idea how to started an English eassay althought my major was English in the college. But at least I tried.
Today I want to talk about a book I am reading now.
I guess not many Chinese people are familiar with Pai Hsien-yung. Due to some political reasons, Chinese in mainland were hard to know the culture like literature, movies and TV programs of Taiwan before. However, I am so into the writing by Taiwanese authors especially Mr.Pai Hsien-yeng.
The first article I read is in commemoration of his dead lover Mr.Wang GuoXiang. They are homosexuals. In China, homosexuals are minority and difficult to get respect and identity from most of Chinese. So can you imagine how brave he was? Actually, the article described their relationship in more obscure way. The autor memorised the trees they planted in the yard. Sadly, the trees were dead with Mr.Wang GuoXiang's illness. Pai Hsien-yeng was staied with his lover in the rest of his life. I am really touched by their affections. Sometimes I think it is more ture than heterosexuality.
p.s. I know my article is bad, but I will try harder!!


snowipine 2014-05-31 10:13

English major in college would give you an edge in honing your English writing skills, good writing works are loved by the people, appreciating Taiwan friends' essay is a pleasure for me.
As to the saying on homosexuality and heterosexuality, seems it is a complexed topic.

laiqiantong 2014-05-24 11:09

Thank you so much for your comment. I will try it next time! :-)

laiqiantong 2014-05-24 11:02

Thank you so much for your comment. I will try it next time! :-)

laiqiantong 2014-05-24 11:02

Thank you so much for your comment. I will try it next time! :-)

claudeckenni 2014-05-23 23:57

You should try to explain more about the story from that book and how did you reflect yourself on it