As the only foreigner in our school, perhaps you might think I would be lonely. Well, that would be impossible, because since the moment I set foot in this school, my Chinese family was here waiting for me. We didn't know at the time how close we would all become, but now, we are a family forever.
First there is Susan, my right hand and daughter of my heart, Alexander, my lieft hand and my son, Adan, our Master Chifu and also., my son, Alice, my daughter, Michael, my first grandson, .our baby of the family, our dearest Panda, and Candy, Alexander's bride to be who is also a very good cook and the one who has made our Alexander very happy. Oh, we have had such happy times together, times that all of us, I'm sure, will remember and cherish forever.

I want to tell you about the youngest one in our happy family here, That is our baby, Panda. His English name is Kevin, but he quickly became Panda to us. Why? It is because he is so cute and cuddly, just like a baby Panda. He is also the youngest of our little family here. Actually, it is not so little. My Chinese family here is me (Mom and Grandma), Alex, Susan, Adan, Alice, Panda, and Michael. They are the kids who have been there for me every moment of my life here in China, and the ones who will be always and forever in my heart, and on my mind.
We have had so many good times together. All of my kids are excellent cooks and we have had a lot of fun, with our dinners together just about every day. We went out to lots of great restaurants too, and had some really fun parties, and worked on lessons and some of us had classes together.
You know, I was the only foreigner here at this school. However, it has never, no not ever, been lonely for me because of my kids, who are now and forever my family. Hey kids, never forget the good times we had.