

Happy Mother's Day

Dear Mother,

I would like to write a letter to you and say I love you forever by here, because I don't know how to open my mouth to say it face-to-face or by phone. In the reality life, I called you and sayed Happy Mother's Day to you in the very early morning. This is our culture, very shy culture for the people don't express their love to others directly. Although I know how the parents and children speak love aloud at home in European and American countries, I can't change the way at my home because my parents can't accept and will scold me loudly. The proverb goes, When in Rome, do as the Romans do. We are in China, so just follow what they do.

Mother, in this special day, I would like to say a big Thank You to you. Without you, I can't come to this world. Although I don't like your strong feudal ideas all the time, I should appreciate that very much because without this, I don't have the chance to be your child. When I was little, I knew that you wanted to have one more son, so you tried to get the third birth until fifth birth. I can't understand why since whether boy or girl who will get the same percent genes from parents in the physiology factor. Why you discriminate girls? Just because the girl's children won't follow your husband's family name after marriage?

Mother, thanks for providing me a happy childhood. After I entered in the society, I hate you for repeating things again and again and comparing me with others' children through study, salary and position. Sorry to be mad at you while I am in bad mood. However, undoubtfully, you created a happy and meaningful childhood for me. During my study period, we were a rich family in my mind because I could get what I want every time through some different methods. For example, I liked to have a bookshelf for storing my books in the primary school. You agreed. I thought you would take me to the furniture mall to select one. But you have bought me two goods' shelfs from a broke shopper. To a child, the bookshelf's dream has come true.

Maybe you are not a perfect mother, but you are the best for us. Maybe you only have 5 years' study in school, but you know a lot about the world. You don't know how to make up because you save every penny for us. You don't know how to communicate with people, but you are friendly to everybody all the time. You don't know how to make money, but you work hard in the farming.

Mother, please take good care of yourself while I don't stay with you around. Sorry to make you worried all the time. Please believe in me, I will become better every day!

Dear mother, happy mother's day to you. Wish you become younger and happier!


ColinSpeakman 2014-05-12 10:59

Beautiful words and shows a special love!