

Wedding Ceremony in My Hometown

I went back to my hometown on May Day holiday for my cousin and my best girlfriend's wedding. I am their matchmaker of course.

Early in the morning of May 2, my cousin's family prepared the wedding car.

At 9am, my cousin, his buddies and I began heading to the bride's home with another 11 cars to pick up the bride and her families. We arrived at around 9:25am because it's not a long distance to drive.

The minute we got off the cars, we set off the fireworks and firecrackers. The gate of the bride's house was closed tightly by her relatives. My cousin was supposed to give them red packets to open it.

The next hurdle was to open the bride's bed room door. The bride's friends are in the room too. They prepared some tasks for my cousin. Only when he finished all the tasks would her door be open. The first task was to sing some songs for the bride. My cousin sang them nicely. The second task was to tell the dates of some things they did together like the first time they kissed etc. That's easy too. The door opened with little trouble.

The bride was sitting on the centre of her bed in white. My cousin gave her flowers and was required to say 'I love you' to the bride in 10 different languages or dialects. His special accents of speaking different languages made all of us laugh loudly. Then he needed to make a marrige vow. It looked like every task was finished. My cousin was about to ask the bride to go with him but the bride's wedding shoes was missing. Actually it was hidden by her friends and my cousin had to look for it. It's really hard to search without any hints. So it's time to bribe her friends and families with red packets. After handing out many big red packets, the wedding shoes were finally found. My cousin put on the white wedding shoes for the bride and they kissed each other and were ready to go to my cousin's home.

When we almost arrived at my cousin's home, the cars stopped. It turned out that my cousin's parents on hilarious make-up were greeting and waiting to pick up the bride with wheel barrow wrapped in red paper.

My cousin was holding the red string ahead, the bride sitting on the barrow, my cousin's father pushing the barrow with people whipping him.

After that there was the wedding banquet. The new couple thanked all the guests by toasting to them.Relatives and friends sent their best wishes by toasting back.

May 2 was a sunny day. Wish my cousin and my friend happy forever.


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