

When Socrates Meets Confucius

When Socrates Meets Confucius

I guess all of us have already noticed Confucius sculpture stand tall and upright in school campus as a result of the influence of significant Confucianism. Confucius, one of achievements he made was about practical and advanced teaching and learning ideas two thousand years ago. And Chinese teachers and students even for today benefit quite a lot from them. Also in the west, people praise Socrates highly for he made great contribution to education, especially including the way of critical thinking by question-answer format that is exactly what Chinese people lack nowadays.

I have obtained an outdated news from Internet which still could illustrate this problem. It is reported that in 2012, senior high school students in China, for further studies in overseas, they took SAT and unsatisfactory result showed that less than 7% students got the passing grade, 1800 points. Besides, for those who want to study at top-tier universities, only 2% among them got the offer finally. Why? Cause SAT emphasizes critical thinking instead memory ability unlike most of domestic examinations.Therefor, here is a fact we can not deny.

Wait, what is going wrong? China has brilliant and long-lasting education culture since two thousand years ago, Confucius could be an excellent teacher to tell us how to treat learning. But, now are we indeed lacking in critical thinking? Yes. Generally speaking, I think there are 2 reasons. Firstly, the traditional education concept really influenced students too much. Usually students consider that teacher, as transmitter of public knowledge and dedicator of intellectual value, plays an irreplaceable role in education and everything teachers told in class is 100 percent accurate. So they receive information and knowledge in a blind-obedience way without deeper thought in most cases from generation to generation. Secondly, the majority of teachers just concern about admission rates because of all sorts of pressures but ignore critical thinking. Even for most parents, they have always attached great importance to high grades and imitate how eagle dad or tiger mother educate children. Gradually, the adults will not take critical thinking into consideration.

So, how could we change the current situation so that our students will not be memory robots? Personally, firstly in school, courses and curricula related to critical thinking should be offered. In class, teachers should appreciate what students think independently and encourage them to view the authority in a way of question and criticism. Meanwhile, to create conditions by some materials and suggestions could help students realize how important the critical thinking is. And then, there is possibility for students to practice by their own ways. Meanwhile, in home education, parents should care more about the growth of children in family education, stress on the cultivation of morality and creativity, and enlighten them think by themself in order to govern the country when they become adults and at least be a qualified citizens, which may be the purpose of education like what Socrates and Confucius hoped. What is more, as for every educational experts or reformers, even for every Chinese people, everyone should transform our self-conscious from critical thinking is not a big deal to critical thinking is really important.

Without critical thinking, school is not educational organization any more yet becomes manufactures producing the same diploma and intellectual. If students, as social individuals, could not have their fantastic, unique and independent thoughts, where is the hope to make social civilization progress? So, it is high time we did something to return the energy to kids!


seanboyce88 2014-05-13 21:36

Well that's a very defeatist attitude and not true at all. The situation in China is changing all the time. Protests are having effect but if everyone just sits back and thinks "it won't change" nothing will get done. You should be more optimistic. 

People said this about the suffragettes years ago...look what they achieved.

米洛.DeSTi 2014-05-13 16:11

we can discuss this situation in China , but we can not change it

LanaLiao 2014-05-13 10:11

Thanks for your understanding. 

seanboyce88 2014-05-13 09:43

for those who think the Chinese philosopher's don't advocate critical thinking go look up mencius (mengzi) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mencius
look at the section on education where it states he advocates interrogation of the text as opposed to rote learning.

teamkrejados 2014-05-13 09:42

Another cultural phenomenon that hinders critical thinking: 此. It is a cultural more to assimilate, to not stand out, to not be noticed and to not be remarkable. Can you imagine how culturally defiant a person would be who spouts unusual theories or extraordinary ideas? 
Although, I do have to say that this facet of culture is quickly eroding. These younger generations want to be remarkable, noticed, etc... And, from teaching my classes I've noticed: the more 'splashy' the student, the more his/her thought patterns deviate from the norm.

teamkrejados 2014-05-13 09:35

Great analysis! Wish you a great day

teamkrejados 2014-05-13 09:34

Some of 'us people' in China fully understand the depth, breadth and nuance of the English language, and even possess a measure of 'Western Knowledge'. We're dedicating our lives and careers to teaching these concepts and, you know what? 'These people' have a hunger for it, and thrive in activities involving critical thinking. 
What a demeaning way to announce yourself to China and Chinese readers/writers, some of them fledglings. While I'm glad you're happy to live where you do, what point does it serve to bash a country whose blogging community you belong to?

seanboyce88 2014-05-13 09:28

It is not inferior at all. You are correct 2 different ways of thinking.

seanboyce88 2014-05-13 09:27

You beat me too it :p

Took the words out of my mouth. Well said.

seanboyce88 2014-05-13 09:26

Please, sir, explain Zhuangzi's inner chapters too me and then come back saying they don't compare. In reality, there are many similarities between zhuangzi and the western philosophies. In terms of philosophy, both eastern and western, they were new ways of thinking at the time and so, in a way, could be counted as critical thinking. Remember confucius wasn't their only philosopher. 

And a degree in Business is not credentials for a debate here. Not one that overrides everyone else's opinion.

Every country has it's strengths and flaws. Don't go shooting down China too quickly.