

2014 International Horticulture Expo in Qingdao April 25-Oct 15
2014-04-28 My permanent home in the US is in Long Beach, California. I belong to the Long Beach - Qingdao Sister City Association. On April 25 a delegation from Long Beach came to Qingdao to attend the opening ceremony of the 2014 International Horticulture Expo. I was fortunate to be included as a guest to this celebration. Wow, what can I say. It was fabulous. After the festivities we toured the Expo site and visited the Long Beach exhibition which the LBQA sponsored. All of China's provinces had beautiful exhibitions there as well as international exhibits. And there were also large buildings akin to science museums that had videos and interactive displays that explained the scientific and historical ecological issues and environment concerns. There is a web site that explains the Expo, pricing and available buses. A ticket can be purchased for 120 yuan until April 30 and after that the price goes up to 160 yuan. I urged everyone to attend this Expo. Don't think that it is just lovely flowers. There is much more to it than that and the cable car ride is quite fun.


财神 2014-04-28 20:33

umm!! now i understood why my friend run to qingdao?

bookfever 2014-04-28 12:02

I don't know if Qingdao will hold this Expo every year or not.  I do know that this one which will be on until October will be converted into some kind of recreation or theme park afterwards.  They have many areas for children and as I said there are a couple of buildings that are really science museums.  I spent maybe 4 or 5 hours and didn't see the entire park.  It's huge.

laoren1234 2014-04-28 11:07

Love horticultural shows. Will the qingdao one be a fixture after the exhibition is over?

bookfever 2014-04-28 08:37

Oops.  I didn't upload the photos correctly.  So be sure to click on my album to see photos.