

Colours of the Sky

Does really the sky has a colour. I donot look at an answer from chemistry or physics but from a naked eye point of view.I watch the sky from my bedroom and marvel sometimes staring into its depth of oblivion. There is always a constant change in that infinity above us which in our day to day life we fail to appreciate. Donot know about others but I do definitely get mesmerised staring into its depth , the greatness of which reminds me that we are not even a speck of dust in its vastness.The colours probably are a reflection of its moods in the poetic sense with my favourite blueish being the chirpy self and the dark ones probably its sadder note, as goes by a popular saying the sky is in tears when it rains. The darker sky actually manifests mysticity combined with a string of lighting.My personal favourite is when dark clouds covers the last rays of the setting sun .

Well here comes the best part the colours of the sky can be witnessed from anywhere even from a small window in your room and we donot even have to plan for the view. So happy skywatching every body.


remitrom 2014-05-01 08:19

I was hoping for pictures ...

SEARU 2014-05-01 06:15

Your blog looks like a painting!

财神 2014-04-27 17:25

In this way you will be the philosopher, good luck.