

The Pursuit of Happiness
Chric,the main character in the film The Pursuit of Happiness,is a real man! He has lots of good parts that most people lost.All of his excellent characers,for example, optimistic,brave ,attract me much.Also ,I remember the words he said to his son deeply,that is :If you get a dream,go to pursuit it.
What is my dream? Waht's your dream?
I asked my friend and she told me her dream is to live with her husband happily forever.
So What is my dream? More that 10years ago,My dream is to study English well and to find a related good job.But I am shy to tell you that I haven't learn English well.So I couldn't find a ideal job .I gave up and did a job that I don't like.I haven't touch English for several years.Sometimes I hesitate whether should I to pick up English again?
But now I decide to learn english again.I hope i can insist on.


财神 2014-04-27 09:23

Its nice philosophy to pursuit happiness.