

My First Week of Acupuncture

Hello all. As some of you may know, I've been having some pretty serious ongoing issues with my back for the past two to three months. I've done everything to solve the problem (X-Rays, Physiotherapy, MRIs, medication...) which consequently has maxed out my insurance coverage for the rest of my time in Beijing. Yay for me.

Acupuncture is my last hope, and fortunately, I've started them this week! How is it going thus far? Well, as with any case where I find myself in a new and foreign situation, the answer to that question is: pretty awkwardly! :)

My first session this past Monday was physically painful (as to be expected) but also a little embarrassing (as to be expected with me). The session started out great with about 30-45 minutes of Chinese massage that I desperately needed since my muscles were all kinds of out of whack. I was feeling good, relaxed, comfortable. That is until the acupuncture portion of the session began.

The guy I set up the appointment with was the professional acupuncturist at the clinic. So when he came in and asked me to remove my trousers, I thought all was normal...until I realized that there were no special acupuncture trousers for me to put on. Then something else dawned on me - I wasn't wearing normal underwear that day. Oh no, that would have been too convenient for me. I was wearing a beautiful, albeit inappropriate, blue thong. It didn't seem like it was going to be a problem when I put a towel over my bum and laid down for the needles. But then the acupuncturist promptly pulled the towel down to my calves and started prodding me with needles while two other guys stood by and watched him work.

I suppose I'm a little conservative with my body. Thankfully, I was face down on the table when this all happened. Did I mention that he also had to take my thong down partially for some of the needle placements? Yeah...I racked in another wonderfully awkward and painful experience when he pulled my undies back up my bum too roughly at the end of the session...

I don't know what it is about me attracting mortification-induced scenarios like I'm getting paid for it...but at least it makes for a good story and a funny memory. Maybe once in my life I'll have an experience that doesn't involve having to laugh at myself. One can only dream. However, in this situation, the ultimate goal is to get my back sorted, no matter the cost it has on my sense of pride.

Today's session went much more smoothly. (I wore better, less revealing underwear this time around!)


AlexisFW85 2014-04-27 16:35

Thank you! :)

AlexisFW85 2014-04-27 16:34

Yeah, I did start feeling like a subject at certain points rather than a person. But, hey, if the end result is that my back feels less pain, I'll take it! Don't think I'll ever stop feeling overly protective/conservative of my body. Been that way since I was a little kid...one of my odd things, I guess. :)

AlexisFW85 2014-04-27 16:33

If you laughed, I did my job right! :)

AlexisFW85 2014-04-27 16:32

It's always good to laugh things off at the end of the day...better than reliving three strange men poking me with needles! Hahaha.

AlexisFW85 2014-04-27 16:32

You're so punny! :P

AlexisFW85 2014-04-27 16:31

Thank you! :) I'm getting there slowly, but surely.

Scarlee 2014-04-24 20:34

I hope you recover soon

Maierwei 2014-04-24 20:19

Ah yes, privacy and China. It's always good to be prepared! And professionals are used to seeing all kinds of underwear I guess.

At such times, I remind myself the uncomfortable truth: People who watch don't see me as an individual anyways, to them I'm just an unusual creature=foreigner. You're a case study if the others are studying acupuncture, and -sorry but- nothing more than a zoo animal if they are just curious audience. So in both cases, you don't need to take it personally.

I know a girl who had to get an injection on the butt on the street because of an emergency (Epilepsy, allergy? I don't remember) and iI can guess ıt's not nice to think there were people watching you while you were half unconscious but yeah, to the onlookers you're just an entertainment, not a fellow person to be respected. Yet this is nothing to worry!

Having been to hospitals several times in different countries, and to massage saloons in China and Thailand I gradually became "less conservative" about my bodyi but I'd call it relaxed and confident instead of conservativeness.

Judy_ZHu 2014-04-24 18:02

I can't help laughing. Thanks for sharing!

teamkrejados 2014-04-24 10:28

Laughter might help relieve some of the stress in your back.