

Living Green without living less: Top 5 Ways
2014-04-22 I was inspired to write this after reading a couple of awesome blogs that shared tips on how to live healthily in Beijing.

Special thanks to #jiewei798 http://blog.chinadaily.com.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1363600&do=blog&id=16944&cid=32526!

I propose we can also do our share to make Beijing more green, by consuming less. It doesn't mean we have to lower our living standards, all it takes is a little bit more consideration and care for Mother Earth. There are many creative way. Here's my top 5:

1.) Lessen "take-out" or "home-delivery" meals.
These consume a lot of waste which in turn will add to the pollution footprint we create. If you are not in a rush, spend 5 or 10 minutes longer dining-in or going down to the restaurant. In addition to the pollution created by the styrofoams, plastics, including the gas or electric needed to power the deliveryman's motor, eating from styrofoams have been said to be dangerous to health. You see this when you order something hot or oily and the pack it comes with is either melted or feels thinner. These residues have to go somewhere...
While your at it, if you really have to eat on the go, you can bring your own plastic/metal containers.

2.) Carry your own durable water bottles.
So you don't always have to buy water bottled plastics. You'll not only help Mother Earth, you'll save money too! This is really good for summer.

3.) Walking is sexy.
I often have to travel between two campuses that are two bus stations away. I realize during rush hour, I have to wait for 30-45 minutes for the bus. So one day I decided to walk it and realized it took just about the same time. At first I couldnt stop thinking of the distance, but when I started enjoying the walk by observing my surrounding details, next thing I knew, I had reached my destination. Also great to have a walking buddy. Im sure it made me sexier along the way too haha.

(If you have a bike, this can be applied the same way too. Although as the previous post advice, try to lessen such outdoor activities during heavy smog days).

4.) Turn off appliances when not needed.
This is a no-brainer, but laziness often gets in the way.

5.) Turn off gadgets-- Cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc.
We don't realize it, but those small gadgets are power hungry and our usage do add up. Turning them off will not only mean less times to charge, it will also mean more time for you to focus on "living" and not be distracted from the demands and distractions of the gadget. I turn off my phone when I sleep and one day a week (usually Sundays). I noticed instead of charging daily, I can survive with 2 to 3 days... also started to enjoy people's company more.

What are your suggestions? We should make this list... Let's do our share.

Designed by my student. Inspired me to be more considerate, especially for those who are without power.

Garbage mountain from a province in China. Photo from EH.


jiewei798 2014-05-20 13:35

I agree with #3  

austinong 2014-04-24 23:31

thanks for the feedbacks :)

财神 2014-04-23 14:32

I also have some experiences of hiking. i will write one day.  

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-22 22:31

This is a good list. Well, I never order in so I am with 1 . I really admire the Chinese that carry a tea flask like your water bottle. I should carry mine more and I like and do walk a lot. Don't forget one I did a blog about. Carry your own reusable bag so you do not need to get a horrible thin plastic bag from a shop!