

Gym slip mum, the child with a baby.
2014-04-17 What would happen if parents in China found out that their 11 year old daughter was having sex?

Until the corruption of morals began in England in the 1960's such a child would have been removed from her parents care and taken into a children's home, or some other approved institution, until a suitable foster family could be found. Now the stigma has been removed from children who enter into sexual activities at young ages, it is becoming more and more common place in western countries such as the US and UK. A story has appeared in the UK news of a girl aged 12, who has just had a baby with her 13 year old boyfriend. Such children instead of feeling shame are given a celebrity status among their peers.

Can a 12 year old girl and her 13 year old boyfriend take care of a baby, can they support it and help teach it social morals and social skills, can they help with its education at an age when most western girls would once have been playing with dolls? Of course not.

Until the liberalisation of child care in the UK due to "Political Correctness, (PC)" when a Child, social service would arrange adoption of the baby so it had a better chance of a good life than it would with a child of 12 for a parent. This was good for the baby and good for the child that had given birth to it. The juvenile could continue with its education and the baby would not start life at such a disadvantage.

PC causes social services do all they can at the tax payer's expense to ensure the child has support in caring for their baby. This is because they see the rights of the child who has just had a baby as more important than the law and the government supports this view. They never think how the right of the child mother will affect the baby's life in the long term. This case demonstrates what actually happens.

This is how western media report the story: "The couple, who are said to be 'totally in love', met over Christmas 2012 when she was ten and he was 12. She is now in Year 7, and her boyfriend, who also cannot be named, is in Year 9 at another school..."

How romantic it sounds as children learn of the story and talk about it at such an impressionable age, this is irresponsible reporting.

Now let's look at what the parents have to say about their little girl who has just become a mother, "Speaking exclusively to LBC radio, the girl's father, known as Greg, admitted that he was heartbroken by the situation, but insisted that he did not know his daughter was sexually active at 11 and only found out about the pregnancy a month ago.

He said: "Unfortunately kids at this age are going to grow up and have boyfriends and partners. If they do things behind their parents' back that's something that we are never going to find out.

"It is heartbreaking, but you can't turn back time. You can only go forwards.

"We don't know where it happened. What you're implying is that we knew they were having sexual intercourse in bedrooms. No.

"We cannot keep her wrapped up her whole life. I can't keep a watch on her 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

"You don't know what has gone on and once the mistake has been made, you just have to support them.

"That little girl has not brought shame to me at all. I am so proud of her."

It is amazing that he is proud of his daughter who became a mother at 12, he feels no shame and makes excuses for his bad parenting. This child clearly comes from a home with irresponsible parents. In china parents always know where their children are. I always knew where my daughters were and I am from the same country as this rather bad father. So why do you think he is such a bad father?

Here's the reason: "On Tuesday the girl went to register the child's birth with her mother, who is 27 and is also now one of Britain's youngest grandmothers."

Let just do our sums quickly, 27 minus 12 is 15. So the girls mother gave birth to her when she was also a child at school. So the child who had a baby at school has seen her own daughter have a baby at an even younger age and make her a very young Grandmother. This family will be as proud of that fact as they are of their little girl who has just had the baby. It will bring them a certain kudos and money.

It is a fact that in western societies, where parents who exercise good parental control are seen as denying the child's right to do as it pleases, school children are having babies younger and younger, despite the fact it is against the law for someone under the age of 16 to engage in a sexual act with another person in the UK. If the law was upheld this baby would not be brought up by a family with a clear history of under age sex, it would be adopted and have a better chance in life.

Socail services in the uk and other organisation will do all they can to ensure this girl now gets VIP treatment for the sake of herself and her baby as they would have had a duty to do for the girls own mother.

And so we see the cycle of school girl parent progress through another generation of this family. This is a disgrace. No one has really thought of the baby's life and how this will certainly affect the baby. How can such a mother lecture her own daughter about not having underage sex when the mother and grand mother have both given birth before they were legally old enough to have sex? The simple answer is they can't and they don't have the parenting skills to help this baby.

The baby is condemned to a life of dysfunction because of a family history which will be repeated in the next generation. How sad, yet easily preventable if this cycle is broken and the law enforced.

This is not an isolated incident, it is becoming more and more common. Social workers should step in and do something to prevent this and protect the babies interests, but they won't because the baby has no voice and this has happened before in this family and many others. Social workers among the worst parents I have ever encountered in the west. One social worker I know personally from the town of Great Yarmouth had a 13 year old son who was openly taking drugs and dealing them to his school mates with his mother's full knowledge, he was also having sex in the family home with a girl of 12. and dear social worker mother never stopped them. Once the poor girl became pregnant the social worker's son wanted no more to do with her and moved on to the next victim. Clearly social workers who let their own children act in these ways will be of no use to this poor baby, which is condemned because of the circumstances of its birth just as those born into wealthy and powerful families are destined to have and advantage over more capable people who come from less advantages families despite being more capable then most of their leaders.

Curcumstances of birth are a two edged sword. How sad it is for those who are disadvantaged because of birth and those who are unfit are advantaged because of circumstances of birth.


angus 2014-04-18 07:02

It supports the argument I have had with social policy in the UK for many years. I have actually had cause to test the system after my daughters were violated. Protecting the wrong doer by treating them as victims leads to a cycle of of societal degeneration.  If you want to understand why successive UK governments have taken this approach of softly softly read the criminal MP Alan Duncan's book "Satan's children",

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-17 22:14

The 15 year-old mother at her birth role model is a stunning element of this!