

Enjoy Sunset and Sunrise in Huangshan Mountain

If you ask what is the most important thing for me currently, my answer is travelling. I don't care the company or the long distance.

My wish was to enjoy the sunset in the last day of 2013 (based on Chinese lunar calendar) and the sunrise in the first day of 2014(based on Chinese lunar calendar) in Huangshan Mountain. My action is done, there are two results in the end. One is that I enjoy the wonderful sunset. The other is that I miss the sunrise due to standing in the wrong place.

While I closed my eye, I can smell the green, hear the soft wind and see the golden lights under the beautiful sunset in Paiyun Pavilion. Lukily, I don't have a camera, only phone, so I can enjoy the views with my heart.

That was the most marvelous moment for me in 2013. To me, it is a perfect ending.

I got up very early in the first day in 2014, in orde to welcome the first sunrise. It is very cold and dark, but there are many people around us, you can feel a spirit strength in your body. Why, because everybody gets up early to wait for the sunrise together. Although I stood in the wrong place of Qingliang Pavilion, I missed the whole sunrise totally. I learnt something from it, so it is not useless.

Huangshan Mountain is wonderful, you can miss other mountains if you have gone it. Although I have this feeling, I also like to climbe other mountains in China.

If there is another chance, I would like to go to Huangshan Mountain again and certainly enjoy the sunrise in the right place.


voice_cd 2014-04-18 09:04

Thanks for sharing your story here, we have highlighted it.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-17 13:45

Beautiful photos, thanks! And there is a saying: Climb every mountain!