

China then and now! What has changed and what has stayed the same... 1992 to 201

Things that have improved:

Although this is by no means a complete list, it is some things that stand out in my mind.

1. Bread - It used to be that all of the bread that I was able to find was much too sweet. Nowadays, pretty good bread can be found in Walmart and specialized bakeries. No one wants to eat a sandwich made on sweet bread. However, now that I have found bread, I no longer care to eat it - at all. Isn't that ironic?

2. Toilets - There seems to be better access to western style toilets these days. I can always find one, nowadays, at most malls and public places. In the old days, they were few and far between, and it is hard for foreigners to use the squatties, at least at first.

3. Toilet Paper - When I first came to China, the toilet paper was all pink and it seemed to be of a much rougher quality. Nowadays, there is a huge selection. Don't squeeze the Charmin!

4. Highways - The highways are wonderful these days, and lovely, with trees and flowers to brighten long drives.

5. Trains - When I first rode trains way back in 1992, it was not comfortable at all. In fact, I lost my best walkman in train toilet when it fell directly on the tracks. Nowadays I can catch a bullet train that is better than any train I've ridden in the world, so far. Clean, safe, and comfortable, with a nice snack bar too!

5. Quality of Goods - The quality of Chinese goods has markedly improved since I first came to China. It used to be that people only wanted to buy Japanese goods, but now, stuff made in China is just as good, like cars, and phones and such.

6. Service in Department Stores - Service in department stores has come a long way in the 21 and a half years since I first came here. Nowadays, the clerks seems to be more sensitive to the needs of foreigners and they go out of their way to be helpful. Before, I think it was more difficult because of the language barriers, perhaps.

7. Diapers - I never thought I'd see the day kids in China wore diapers, but Pampers are here and lots of babies are wearing them these days. Not so good for the environment maybe, and probably better for the kids the old way of the parents holding them up to go potty, but for better or for worse, diapers have come to China.

8. Hospitals - Hospitals have improved 100%. I feel completely confident nowadays in Chinese hospitals whether it be for a check up, or if I am ill, the care of the doctors and staff.

Things that have stayed the same

1. Chinese Hospitality - The warmth and hospitality of the Chinese people is something that has always drawn me to China and keeps me coming back again and again.

2. Love of country - I heard then, and I hear now people openly saying "I love my country!" in a joyous way. That is just not something I heard a lot of where I came from, at least not with the same delight that the Chinese take in China. It is heartwarming.

3. Food prices - Although of course it has become a bit more, food is still a great bargain in China. Fresh foods and meat are much more reasonably prices than in America. Chinese people do know how to eat well. There is just about every fruit and vegetable under the sun for very reasonable prices.

4. Access to western stuff - You can pretty much get whatever you want, except maybe clothes that fit western bodies, and what you can't get in the markets or at Walmart you can get from Toubou or Amazon.cn. It doesn't matter that much to me these days, though, as I've pretty much learned that I don't need so much western stuff anyway!

5. The relaxed atmosphere - There is nowhere else in the world that I have been that is nearly as relaxed and laid back as China. People seem to stop and smell the roses, there is a deep appreciation of nature, and of life, that is enriching to the spirit here. It is another reason I enjoy it so much. I like how people stroll in a leisurely way here, it is refreshing. No one seems to rush, and they get just as much done.

6. China is one big happy family. I recently found out that Da Jia hao means hello my big family. That is how the teachers have always greeted their students in class, and it is true. Every one is a sister or brother or grandma or auntie to everyone else. It is a loving place to be, and kinder and gentler.

7. The people stick together - in the West it is much more individualized and every one is kind of on their own. Here it is always about people helping people. The people pull together for the good of all, rather than just looking out for number one.

8. Peaceful and respectful classrooms - Nowhere in the world will you find students who are such a joy to teach. My students are, and always have been a huge part of why I love China, and for many years, many of us have kept our close connections. I have seen these kids grow up and still they never forget their old teacher. It is a deep loyalty that is so meaningful to me, and has made my life more meaningful.

Okay, guys, that is it for today! I know it is not a complete list by any means, but it is what came to mind. China is a little piece of paradise, especially where I live in beautiful Sichuan Province. Coming here has been my dream come true. I feel very fortunate to have seen all that I have seen, and what I have learned from China will remain with me for the rest of my life.


Panda°宇 2014-04-19 10:03

nice  picture !

AdanC 2014-04-18 19:11

it is a good photo

AdanC 2014-04-18 18:49


AdanC 2014-04-18 18:49

It's ture

MissBarbara 2014-04-17 09:08

Yes, the times are changing..

huaren2323 2014-04-17 07:53

Our company canteen buys you lunch with 2 Mantao and vegetable meat dishes for only RmB 1.20...now they just go out for McDonalds for RMB 80... We paid our General Manager RMB 200 a month with free apartments heat and water electricity and free nursery as we would also offer similar to our company driver. Now they live in multi-million apartments within circular 5 ring road. No more communal hot showers and we now have sit down toilets and plenty of soft toilet papers. Some of us still ride bicycles to work but many have their private cars.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-17 07:14


jiewei798 2014-04-16 23:56


财神 2014-04-16 17:22

wow! so warm, so hearty!Good job! 

离线 2014-04-16 17:16

nice article,it arouses my passion for my coutry ,yes ,i love my country ,but not the PARTY..