

Britain listed China as "a country of concern"
2014-04-15 I had to laugh at this report in the UK news: "Britain listed China as "a country of concern" in its annual human rights report last week, saying it had observed increased restrictions on freedom of expression, association and assembly in 2013."

In the UK if more then four people gather in public the police have the right to arrested them. We have no freedom of expression, If we say something the government doesn't like they can arest us using one of the many laws that govern our behaviour. Legal experts in the UK tell me we have more laws governing our behaviour than any other country in the world. CCTV cameras are everywhere as we now live the orwellian nightmare under a dictatorship of criminals who steal from public funds for their luxury lifestyles, whilst doing all they can to increase poverty.


angus 2014-04-16 17:35

Yes it should definately be listed as such. We see the poor being oppressed, the democratic voice being suppressed, freedom of speech curtailed, The government openly stealing from the tax payer and helping the rich to avoid tax. The people's assets being undervalued and sold, Let's not forget that the royal mail share went up  by 38% of the first day of trading. Health care is now linked to wealth and not needs, Education is also squeezed so that the wealthier have greater advantages. We see workers rights suppressed. Criminals rights are placed above those of their victims. the list can go on and can be supported with hard evidence. The US should also be watch and even more urgently feel international sanctions until it make good the damage its phoney wars have caused. Let's not forget Cambodia and how America destroyed it, or how the US supported the Marcos regime. again the list coulde easily fgo on. and then of course their is the second gulf war which G. W Baby Bush brought about with the lies he and Tony Blair knowing told. Both men are war criminals and every move to put them on trial has been blocked.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-15 09:56

So Britain should be listed as a country of concern!