

Criminals in power protecting other criminals in power part two
2014-04-13 As I stated in an open letter I posted on here I made a complaint to the UK police about frauds committed by the criminal MP Maria Miller, who despite admitting her criminal acts is still an MP. this is a copy the responce I got from the English police:

Dear Gus,

Thank you for your email.

Please note we are unable to report the incident mentioned your email. If you are unhappy with the processes that are currently being followed in parliament you can raise this with your local MP.

Action Fraud was introduced to encourage members of the public and small businesses to report fraud to us, so we can build a bigger picture of the scale of fraud happening, and to build intelligence to aid police investigations. Please note, we cannot guarantee nor prompt a police investigation.



Action Fraud


As you can see the police will take no action when criminal MPs are exposed. Therefore England is ruled by a dictatorship of criminals. If I take the advice of the person who sent me this email I would have to contact the war criminal, fraudster and traitor Alan Duncan as he is in effect my MP. So I'll write to him next and keep you updated on the response I get, if inded I get a response from this nasty corrupt MP who spends more time making money through lobbying on behalf of the Oil industry than he does representing the people who are his legitimate employers.


ColinSpeakman 2014-04-13 23:53

Good luck!