

History Belongs to All of Us

Photo by Candy 2013

So, today I want to talk about history. Not on a large scale, but about how each one of us has something to contribute to history, as we know it. Someone said once that history is some stuff that happened, someone saw it, and someone wrote about it. It is written from that person's point of view, and maybe it is not at all how we or our parents or our grandparents experienced it. Maybe we see it in a whole different light.

We hear sometimes about history being rewritten. Maybe someone comes along that doesn't agree with some official version, gets some other people to agree, writes a different version of it, and voila, history is rewritten. Now, many people might read the new version, and believe that it is what really happened in the past. The best way to really know what happened, if we were not there, is to read, read, read, and get as many perspectives as possible on what might or might not have happened in any given situation.

History can be pretty boring, right? But if you think about it, what happens to you, personally, and to your friends and family is interesting. So keep track of what happens, maybe keep a journal about how things that happen affect or have affected you. It is a good way to keep track of events in your own life and contribute to the history of the world, using your own voice.

Photo by Candy 2014


austinong 2014-04-20 14:35

Thanks for sharing this perspective!

MissBarbara 2014-04-19 10:33

yes, he is so funny!

tedbrent 2014-04-19 10:20

History is written by the victors. 

Panda°宇 2014-04-19 10:18

hahaha, the boy is so funny .

AdanC 2014-04-18 19:17

write more like this

AdanC 2014-04-18 19:10

This history is true, thank you for your writing it.

AdanC 2014-04-18 18:52

I have no permisson

thomas.wood 2014-04-16 16:20

An excellent post, it's important to read views on history that you might personally disagree with in order to gain another person's perspective.  What people see as being history, whether or not it actually happened, is just as important as learning the facts themselves.  Especially in China, history is a powerful tool in politics, education and in daily life.

teamkrejados 2014-04-15 06:14

We are living our children's history. Our children witness history in the making. All too often that is forgotten. Thank you.

angus 2014-04-15 05:53

Human societies are doomed to repeat the mistakes of history, because all too often history is a political construct, which dooms us to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.