

This story has been coppied directly from Yahoo's UK news
Watchdog to probe hotel fundingPress AssociationPress Association – 3 hours ago Copied at 11:10 12/04/14

  • The Palace of Westminster.
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    Press Association - The Palace of Westminster.

Claims that taxpayers' money was used to pay for a hotel suite at the Conservative party conference that was allegedly used for a gay orgy will be looked into by the expenses watchdog.

Rooms costing up to £2,500 a night at Manchester's Light ApartHotel were booked by the Policy Research Unit, which provides parliamentary research for the Tory MPs, according to the Independent.

Most of the PRU's funding comes from public money as a result of payments from Tory MPs of around £4,000 each through their expenses.

Concerns were raised with senior Tory officials after gay app Grindr was used to "advertise" a sex party during the Conservative Party conference in 2011, according to the Independent.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority played down suggestions it will launch an investigation but said it will look into whether public funds have been used for political purposes. Any activities involving consenting adults in the rooms will not form part of the inquiries of the watchdog as its remit concerns the use of public money.

A spokesman said: " MPs are not allowed to claims costs which go to party political activities. If there are suggestions that that may have happened, we would want to look into it."

Not only is the UK government full of fraudsters it, they also use public money to fund their commonly shared sexual practises.

China is a much better place with a much better government than most other countries. We can see why David Cameron pushed through law to allow gay marriage in the UK despite opposition form most of the people of the UK and members of his own criminal gang.


angus 2014-04-13 19:06

There will be no investigation, there will be a white wash costing the taxpayer even more money as is the normal practise.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-12 15:26

At least there is some investigation, albeit limited!