

Criminals in power protecting other criminals in power
2014-04-11 The criminal former Culture Secretary Maria Miller has reigned after more than a week of being supportted by other Criminal MPs in the UK. She was given thousands of pounds of taxpayers money when she resigned and will no doubt go to work for one of the multi-nationals whose interests our criminal MPs serve at the expense of our nation and national economy.

When a worker steals from his or her employee in the UK and most other countries, they get sacked (dismissed). If England was really a democracy. Ms Miller would have been sacked and now be facing a criminal prosecution for her crimes against the Taxpayers, who are actually her employers that she has stolen from. But instead because corruption in the UK in now endemic the other criminals in parliament protected her, because they know if they don't protect her they could be the next ones to go. She will not face a criminal trial because those in power fear if she is put on trial so might they be.

When a government that is supposed to represent the people places itself above the law it becomes a dictatorship and in England we have had a dictatorship for more than thirty years. The party holding the title of Prime Minister might change, but there is no real difference. The war criminal Tony Blair should be on trial for his war crimes, But he left office as the richest Prime Minister in our history, He was not rich when he became Prime Minister, During his time he was involved in many immoral and illegal deals and the same is true of those who have followed him. And all because of the traitor Margaret Thatcher, who left parliament as the most hated Prime Minister in our history to date.

The problem was caused because the English fell for the American dream of riches for everyone, when in truth if everyone was rich money would have no value and all would be poor. Before Thatcher any MP who broke the law or abused their position of power would have been dealt with harshly as an example to others. But now the corrupt hold the keys to our nation and they no longer enter politics because of some sense of social duty, but to get rich.

Democracy is dead when the government stops listening to the people, The People of the UK did not want Homosexual marriage to be legalised, But Cameron did so now against the wishes of the majority men can marry men and women can marry women, which undermines the who principle of marriage. We want to see our criminal MPs put on trial but because they control the legal system this will not happen unless we have a revolution. Large corporation break our laws and are given such small fines relative to the profits of their crimes, that it is no deterrent to further crimes.

Laws have been enacted to make small family businesses which are the lifeblood of any economy uneconomical. And all becuse the large corporation have the money to buy power through corrupt MPs. In China democracy is alive and well. The Chinese government recognised that it rules by consent, In England and the US governments rules because of money.


ColinSpeakman 2014-04-12 05:08

You must be pleased that  Maria Miller has at least resigned?  Yes, PM Cameron was too indecisive to start with.