

Human rights, human wrongs
2014-04-11 I often hear my Chinese friends harping on about so-called "Human Rights" as if it is something China doesn't have and we should be grateful that we have human rights In the UK.

The fact is the Human rights act was written and presented to the world as a charter to prevent the rise of another "Nazi Party" by Winston Churchill. It was never intended to affect the lives of ordinary citizens, but it does. The human rights act is one of the most misused pieces of legislation ever written.

Many in the west see it being used to protect criminals from facing justice. In this regard the Human rights act means the agencies of law and order are compelled to protect the rights of the criminal above the rights of the victims of the criminal. Is that something China wants to see happen here? I think not.

It is a fact the a criminal from another country can come to England and continue his or her life of crime with impunity because of the Human Rights Act. In fact once they commit a crime in the UK, even if they are there illegally They will be given the right to stay and claim all the rights of a legal citizen just because they have committed a criminal act. One particular incident which featered in a documentry called, "Human rights, Human Wrongs" a forign criminal trying to escape due legal process in his own country killed a young girl and was given the shamefully short prison sentence of a mere three months. Being wanted for crimes in his own country gave him the right to legal residency in the UK on his release from prison. That's just crazy. But that case is not a rare example of how the Human Rights Act protects criminals, is it common place.

If a foreigner came to China and killed a young girl during a drug fuelled murder they would get a bullet in the head. Well done China, why change something that works well. I can walk the streets of Chinese cities exploring late at night without the worry of violent crimes or robbery, I can't do that in a small town in England as it has become more and more violent like its American master. China is a peaceful safe country because it is not party to the Human Right Act. When someone kills without just cause they get the death penalty in China, When someone rapes a child in China the law will jump on them from a very great height because in China the rights of the victim are placed before the rights of the criminal. That is a good human rights outcome compared to so many European countries.

In China I have seen people enjoying more freedom than we have seen in the UK since the early 1980's. In China we have a police force that polices the streets with a soft hand. On the rare occasions we see police on the streets of the UK outside of tourist areas they look like a paramilitary force and are hostile. We once respected the police in the UK, now we see then as the protectors of criminals and the corrupt. Instead of looking at other countries and the positive propaganda they produce to get the Chinese people to think they are better places than China, look at china and how free we are here. People don't need to keep guns in their shops, homes or cars in China, but they do in the US. Violent crime is dealt with properly and the victims are supported in China. In the UK violent criminals are protected by the legal system, resulting in them getting away with their crimes and the needs of their victims being ignored.

As they said when i was a boy, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" China works well for her people so when some pseudo interlectual tells you about human rights, remind them how much China has advanced and how swift China is to protect the victims of crime. When some foreigner is telling you how great their country is, ask them why they are living in China, especially the Americans who come from one of the most violent and corrupt nations in the world.


angus 2014-04-22 07:26

It is a technique used by police all over the world. It is part of their training

seanboyce88 2014-04-20 19:20

The thing is though, In terms of freedom of speech, free media, freedom of religion, freedom of opinion, I wouldn't say it's as bad as other countries. I would say we are in the better part of the world for these aspects of human rights. 

However, police brutality is a growing issue. I knew a policeman who openly admitted to "shinning" while working riots. Shinning for Chinese readers is when you grab the riot shield and ram the sharp edge into the crowds shins to get them to back off. Rips skin and hurts like hell yet doesn't leave lasting damage

Jamie999 2014-04-15 00:26

And did they give you a reason to why they done this?

Jamie999 2014-04-15 00:23

My point is if most people are oblivious to it, so it’s logical to think that these people never encounter any violence from the police. Although you are correct people are aware of certain cases or cover-ups but again these are rare and people hear about them from the British media. I’m sure you’re like the average person in the UK who picks up a newspaper and reads about these cases, so I’m a bit puzzled at how you can state that they are covering up cases and then they allow it to be printed in every major newspaper.  

You state that Maria asked the press to cover up the story but they didn’t oblige her. Why? Was her position not high ranking enough?

Also the press criticised David Cameron of his handling of the scandal. So he’s not able to stop the press from criticising him but he’s able to cover up the Maria Miller scandal? I’m sorry but this doesn’t make sense.

I do agree with you that she should be facing charges for stealing but if you’re comparing levels of crimes that government has gotten away with, let’s look at China and the Tibetans who went to Spanish court to file a case for war crimes that was committed by China’s ex-president and a few others. So we got stealing to deal with and they have genocide. I do understand we don't have saints running our government but right now they are the lesser of the two evils.

I live quite close to the Chinese embassy in Central London; I need to walk past there to get home. Every day for the last 10 years I also needed to walk past the Falun gong practitioners who are sat there and protesting against their treatment at the hands of the Chinese government and the number of practitioners killed because of their beliefs. It’s either these protesters are lying or there has been a big cover up. I think we both know the answer to this.

Again I ask you this question, can you show me an article where the government backed Chinese media criticised any action committed by their own government? Pollution? Anything?

As to the bribery, you’re talking about the top two schools in the UK, let’s make that the top five where the wealthy parents are encouraged to donate or sponsor the school. In my story I was referring to an average state run elementary school where the parents are not wealthy, the lady in my story worked as a Front of house receptionist. That was a lot of money to her. So I was comparing the average government funded English school in which this practise is unheard of to a state run Chinese school in which this practise is common and not just in the top five ranking schools. Although I do apologize that I used the wrong word, it was blackmail not bribery. As the school demanded that she pays the amount or her daughter will not be enrolled, not her offering to pay the money.

As to the immigration I was referring to the flow between China and the UK, not retirees who go to enjoy the sun in Spain or France, as I am sure you’re aware they make up the majority of our British immigrants and so they are contributing their money to that state, not withdrawing from it. Now if you look at the immigration into the UK you will find that the majority is from China and this doesn’t include the Chinese that are here illegally. Why are they here? I don’t think it’s because they want to experience a different culture.

I’m not against Immigration into the UK as I enjoy the different cultures that we have here but to state that it’s not because they are seeking a better life is completely false.

angus 2014-04-14 11:50

As for the matter of the banks, there were Abbey, Northern Rock, Alliance and Leicester and Bradford and Bingley.  The Governments auditors and beneficiaries of many government contracts who all have senior positions on all regulating bodies as well as a disproportionate number of of parents sitting on government benches were called in to investigate. And a £3,500 loss was turned into a bill of more than £100,000

angus 2014-04-14 11:44

To respond to your first point. You are right to assume most people in the UK are oblivious to the reality of policing in the UK until they day they need them.  Yet the whole country is aware of cases of police violence and coverups of crime inorder to fit the political agenda. We once had a police force that was a model for the world. Foreign police officers were sent to the UK to learn from our police. Now we send for American law enforcement specialist and so our policing has changed a great deal since the 1980's after the riots caused by the police in 2011 Boris Johnson immedately Engaged a former American Police adviser. Looking to the US is not the answer, as we all know it causes more problems.  It would be very sad if China was to take a backward step and see its policing degenerate as it has in England.  We now need to learn how to police our streets as we once did.

Your second point about bribes for places in Schools is one that we have had in the UK for many decades. The whole of the Oxbridge system is down to the amounts of money parents can give the schools for places, such as sponsorship deals, donations etc. The method is different but the outcome is the same, Give money to the school and your underqualified child will get a place.

As for Media cover-ups Let's not forget the Maria insident only got pursued by the press so heavily because she tried to muscle the media into remaing silent with the threat of levinson. Hed she gone to her boss the matter probably would never have hit the press.

As for your hint that immigration to the UK is a sign of how advanced the UK is compared to China, let's not forget the fact the more UK nationals are leaving the UK every year then immigrants entering legally. This comment is like and echo of the tabloid reporting to create divisions so as to stop the poeple rising against a very corrupt government. Let's not lose sight of the fact that Maria Miller is still and MP instead of facing trial for stealing from us, her employers. I'm sure your empolyer in the UK would certainly sack you with loss of all rights and priviledges if you committed acts of fraud and you would be facing court action. Clearly our criminal government in the UK has no such worries as the police are no more than a politcal force whose careers depend on serving the political will rather than the law.

Jamie999 2014-04-14 05:05

I'm very sorry to hear about your experience, which I have to admit it did shock me as I have been living in the UK for over half my life and never encountered anything like that. I would also take a guess that over 90% of the people living here didn't encounter any violence from the police. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen but it's very rare and I for one would not compare our system to China's as it's not in the same level, I'm sure that one day China will catch up but it needs to get rid of the system of bribery that's infected nearly every sector.  

Due to my work I travel quite a lot and I spent 4 years in China with my wife and kids. On our first week we became friends with a lady that worked in our apartment complex. One day she told us that she just paid $5000 as a “donation” to get her child enrolled into an elementary school in Beijing and before that she paid $500 to an agent who was connected to the school so he can pass her name forward to be considered for enrollment. As a foreigner and not knowing the system I told her to go to the police but she told me that the police won’t do anything as this is how it’s done here. Fortunately my wife is Chinese and she works as a solicitor, she went with her to the school and got her money back. As you know this practise is the norm in China but I can’t imagine this happening in the UK.

In regards to the media in the UK, I can give you various examples of articles published that were criticising a certain action that was committed by our government. Like the recent MP expense scandal or when it was revealed that we were giving aid to China last year. You heard of these stories from the media in the west, so I don’t understand how they can be covering anything up when they’re always criticising the government. If you are comparing our media to China’s, please can you show me an article where the government backed Chinese media criticised any action committed by their own government?

The facts are right now the one way traffic of immigrants gives you an idea of the development of certain country. This might change in the future but for now this is reality.

Can I ask, what did the bank say regarding the whereabouts of your money?

angus 2014-04-12 11:39

Gladly Jamie,  I am referring to police throughout the UK. 

As an IPCC investigation in to the last time I was illegally arrested because I spoke out and told the truth about The British Government shows clearly, the police do use excessive force in the UK.

Less than three years ago I jumped on to a moving car in the car park of Ipswich hospital to stop it after the driver hit several parked cars and the Police stood and watched but did nothing.

The police only act in order to keep corporate profits safe, when a fixed penalty fine can be issued or if the politicians have ordered them to clamp down on a behaviour they think might cause the government problems.

When I last tried to expose the UK government's lies in a news paper I was arrested without charge and with force, I even had my bank accounts emptied on one occassion when I spoke up about the fact MPs steal from tax payers funds.

Here we can use this website to talk about things freely, we do not have that luxury in the west because of the way the British and US governments trade monoploy with internet giants such as microsoft, google ect in exchange for them allowing governmnets to access our private communications. If we put something with supporting evidence on the internet it is taken down and we fdind our computer hard drives infected with viruses.

The media in the UK is owned control by a foreign businesses such as News international, The owners of which socialise with the criminal politicians form all political parties Including the war criminals Tony Blair and George bush. This way politicians can keep stories out of the press that they don't want the people to know about. In return global media empire has been getting away with breaking privacy laws to find gossip to print rather than news of public interest or concern.

If you are really interested and would like to see evidence to support my claims let me.

angus 2014-04-12 11:22

No i have not

Jamie999 2014-04-12 06:00

As you're from the UK, can I ask which towns are you referring to where the police act like a paramilitary force and are hostile? 

I believe that many in the west cherish human rights because they believe that the criminal should get a fair trial before the 'bullet in the head'. I'm sorry and I don't mean to offend but I don't think you fully understand the Human rights Act and how it's implemented in the legal system.

Also, if you can kindly explain the difference between the UK and China in regards to freedom of speech?