

Open letter
Public notice, please bring this to that attention of the UK police:

I have sent this email to your fraud reporting email address, which has clearly been designed to make the reporting of the most damaging frauds difficult to report. Sadly the Anglo-American taxpayer funded spy network that monitors the Emails of private citizens has blocked me from posting this on Yahoo which willingly gives you access to private Emails.

contact @ actionfraud.police.uk>;

Fraud committed by the MP Maria Miller.

Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to formally report the crimes of fraud that have been committed by the aforementioned MP and Culture Secretary Maria Miller. She has fraudulently use the MPs expenses system to claim costs by deception, abused the privileges of public office. misused public office, and by act of fraud stolen money belonging to her employers. as her employer I am reporting her crimes to you and ask for urgent action in the public interest.

Ms Miller's party chairman and her party leader have publicly supported her criminal behaviour and are therefore her accomplices in her crimes and I wish to report them to you as such. Again these two accomplices have acted against the public interest in these crimes and nee prosecution. The evidence of their crimes is freely available in the mass media as are their confessions.

Yours faithfully,

Angus Silverstone.

Citizen of the UK


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