

It is ok to steal from your employer in the UK

the UK's "Culture Secretary" Maria Miller has been caught committing fraud against her employer. When a worker in the UK commits and act of fraud through their expenses they are immediately sacked and face a criminal prosecution. Those who help them or support them in the criminal activities by deeds or not taking action are called accomplices and also face criminal prosecution.

The UK's "Daily Telegraph" claims documents show Maria Miller stopped claiming expenses on her "second" home in south London after being asked to sign a declaration confirming that she would pay capital gains tax when it was sold. Mrs Miller bought her Wimbledon property in 1996, before she became an MP, and sold it in February this year for a reported profit of over £1m. This is her second exposed financial crime, on this occassion the crime of tax evasion. yet she still works for her employer and has not been arrested by the police.

Between 2005 and 2009, she told the House of Commons it was her second home, allowing her to claim public money to pay the mortgage on it. This is also a crime as it was her primary home and should be funded out of her own pocket and not at the taxpayer expense.

The conservative pary chairman supports Mrs Miller's criminal activities. Such is the the common level of criminal corruption in the UK. Even the Prime Minister David Cameron is guilty of these same crimes as are most MP's. I am so glad that here in China criminal politicians and civil servant face prosecution and lose their jobs. In the UK Politicians are above the law which makes them a dictatorship of criminals. Let's hope China's leader and his wife continue to set a good example for the rest of us and the world to follow, rather than the bad examples of the US and UK.

When a public offical uses their priviledges to make personal profits they are guilty of a number of criminal acts in the UK and here in China. We are so lucky that we have a leader who is determined to make sure China's leaders act in a morally responsible way.


angus 2014-04-08 02:37

She actually owned the house before becoming and MP, it was her primary residence, she switched as most MPs do so that she could claim a cheaper constituency house as her primary home and leave the tax payer to foot the bill for her expensive London home. Then she switch them back on the sale of the London house to Avoid capital gains tax. A clear act of fraud against the public purse and abuse of her public office, both of which are crimes. The pro-botty Bandit Cameron has supported her criminality as has her party chairman, which makes them both criminally culpable under English law

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-07 10:04

There is some consistency though in that outcome. As a second property, it should attract capital gains tax and will. As a second property the law allows MPs  to claim certain expenses. It is probably the law which is not carefully thought out. Parliament is in London,  and London house prices rise fast because of international demand. So if an MP from say the north, gets to own property in London, that can be an opportunity! Many take advantage.