Saori Saori" in Philipines means to wander aimlessly, I do this often, now without the aid of my compass (stolen from my home in the states) I walk through Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist, Lutheran neighborhoods without fear. A simple smile is always returned. I sample street food from all cultures and make serendipitous discoveries and acquaintances. When I get tired . I turn 720 degrees looking lost. within minutes I am approached and asked "can I help you?" In Malaysia 3 languages are taught in school! I am soon directed to the nearest Bus or train and am on my way back to my familiar location. Today I returned with an SD card to take more pictures, new pair of shorts, 2 books from Buddhist temple, and flower necklace. spent <$US15.
--Warning-.. Do Not do this in any Major USA city...--
Notes: Malaysia
: Quadruple standards - ethnic Malay 60% get priority for schools & govt. jobs, ethnic Chinese 20% own 50% of biz., ethnic Indian working class _SOL Foriegners pay 2-3 times the price for purchases- even 10 times for the naive.. however my 4-5 days cost me aprox $US150 total - mostly travel xpense