Scuse me while I go through a NORMALCY BIAS MIND Confusion Adjustment. Background (my experience from 2007 onward) and I am not really yet clear exactly how things happen,
I Don't even speak the language! But basically their are 2 powerful parties , They DO have elections for the prime minister. However when I ask When?? is the election? The answer Just explodes my mind......................
"When She Steps Down.." Period.. Power of some kind forces the change. Looking back through several changes in party
I have seen.. The red were elected, the yellow staged a bloodless coup wile the PM was in NY. the King backed it up and
it stuck. the yellow began to Protest until new elections were held, and they won the popular vote. So now the Red shirts
are having protests. It is not guaranteed, that they would win if an election were held. They each have a strong base
leaving the swing vote as the deciding factor. Simplified, the people will vote from their embedded Buddha Nature
Of Non-Violence. For the protesters goal is to get as many people together, disrupt government business, and be
as big a pain in the ass, as they can, Non-violently . How the current Government reacts, then has direct implications
on the next election, (whenever that may be) . When windows break, buses burn, people are bloodied, detained, or killed,
I t doesn't look good for somebody and gathers support for the side less blamed.
Update... Elections were held , but boycotted by the Yellow shirts and deemed not valid. Things have calmed
down a bit. The government is not fully functional, Life goes on. Thailand has such a long history and it will
continue, even if the process is confusing to me. Good Luck Thailand.....