

I was brought up to understand that farting around people is very impolite.i too think so but living in china i have constantly been in situations where chinese just fart uncontrolably.you get in to an office,the managers shakes your hand while farting,offer you water accompanied with a fart.sitting in a resturant you can hear loud sound of some one farting.is it really tolerrable or is a cultural thing?i must honestly say that i haven't seen that of women farting uncontrolably but most men do.does this happen in the part of the world you hail from?would you consider it cool?may be i wasn't given the right education on farting which some will say is a build up of gas in the stomache that MUST be release.


chessgame 2014-06-01 15:20

these are people who have been smuggled in to 2014.they are really messed up people second to none on planet earth.in china we are seeing alot and just wonder as you said if there are not taught any etiquette.worser things happen here.i will suggest next tme you remain them that here(scandinavia)things are not done that way.remind them that money doesn't guarantee the freedom to do what you like and where you like.

hotel.worker 2014-05-31 07:11

I am working in hotel in Scandinavia and we have several tourist groups from China visiting us every year. Today we have a group and so far:
-Two men have spat on the floor
-A man burped in my face when I gave him an internet voucher
-Other guests have been hurt from being pushed ( cut in line et.c.)
- My colleague got burns on her legs and arms when pushed from behind attending guests with tea and coffee
- When opening doors for them they have farted infront of me
- Very messy people throwing garbage right on the floor while walking.
- When trying to help them, tho not speaking their language, they laugh right up in my face and point.
This happens everytime we have a group from China travelling in Scandinavia!
Why is this so common? This is appalling and disrespectful in my country (Sweden)!

These things are highly disrespectful and I can't understand why they are not taught common sense and etiquette before visiting other countries. I ALWAYS read up on do's and don'ts before going to a country with different culture- I even try learning a few words- as respect to people living there.

chessgame 2014-03-25 02:12

i am in changzhou in jiangsu province.i don't think there is anything mistaken in such sounds.go to Taiyuan ,is worst out there.

Dr.Bill.Shen 2014-03-23 03:00

This is absolutely foreign to me. Wondering which part of China you are in?  Could it be possible you have mistaken sound, such as moving a chair around, as a gigantic fart?

chessgame 2014-03-23 01:46

hahahahaa.you mean i should pile up fart when ever i am to hang around some nice guys to reciprocate should they fart.i wont do that but a long pick with send a message. 

eugenechin 2014-03-23 00:58

Farting in the public is a taboo in China. If a person farts in your presence, that could mean a gesture of close friendship and good relation with you. Reciprocate by doing likewise.

chessgame 2014-03-22 18:10

is not happening just to one person else i wont be too concern.is just too common.kids even take pleasure too in this.i am happy is not a culture thing just some ignorant people.i seriously don't think is a good idea to fart among people.

MissBarbara 2014-03-22 16:16

Interesting, in all my years here I have never seen that happen.

nnish 2014-03-22 01:12

Farting in public - Common 
Food Smacking - have seen some loud ones. - Common
Burp loudly in a formal dinner - Common
Spitting everywhere - Common
Girls sitting with legs wide open in public place - Common
This is not a culture here . Its just that some people don't know that its not polite . Just ignore it.

laoren1234 2014-03-22 00:06

No, that's not part of the Chinese culture.