

She( Mama) is 23 and we have known each other for three years.she treats me as a big bro and will always ask for advice when ever she cant solely handle any situation.she is really pretty and has never been in to any date before.she has turned down many advances.she moved to shenzhen 7 months ago from shanxi and has a much better job there.two months ago,a classmate who is the boy friend of her best friend introduced a 29 year old boy who has worked in Britain for three years before coming home after a split with his girl friend who dumped him to a more richer guy.she was tripped off on seeing this guy and thinks this is the dream guy for her.before the guy went for the spring break all was like fine and wont stop saying how much his parents will like to meet her.for "Mama",she thinks things are going too fast.she wants to have a boy friend then married comes after but this guy was like they should get married immediately.i can't be sure if this guy was really serious on this or was it just a means to cross the bridge?all along this guy has been wanting sex with "Mama",a thing she has never done before and she has always said she will only do it with the husband.she wants to give the best give of her life to her husband.pressure mounted and on the 14 of february ,a Valentine's day"Mama" believing this guy gave in."Mama" got a job for her best friend in their company and when the friend arrived on the 20 of february "Mama" and the boy friend picked her up at the airport and that evening over dinner,her friend was so excited that "Mama" has finally accept some one.guess what,two days later,the boy told "Mama" that his mother has said he should not marry a girl that is far from their home town meaning that "Mama's" home town being 10 hours away from wuhan where the boy comes from makes it automatically that their relation cant continue.that is the only reason the guy gave for their split.
"Mama" is seriously in deep pain and has taken two days off to figure out a solution to her broken heart.she just dont know what s to tell her friend.she told me that what ever it takes she will get her revenge and the out come will be disasterious which leaves me worried that "Mama" may be planning something really bad for this guy.i have tried to talk her down today after she narrated the story but she won't stop crying.i can imagine there is a lot more going in her mind now.her question to me was ,what is her wrong?why this guy have to do this to her when she opened her heart and tell this guy everything.do we really have control of our lifes or fate has it all?i am tempted to ask.what do you think is a change of mind from this guy?is there a possibility that he has seen some one better or truely he has been told by her mother not to marry far from home?


chessgame 2014-02-26 20:12

thanks for your contribution.we had a talk  today and guess what?she told me she has been moved to a much better position in her company.she doesn't want to talk about it again.i know her she is not letting it go for now and will surely get her revenge.thanks

Chubby_Betty 2014-02-26 00:45

He is just not that into your friend, why spend your friend's valuable time on revenging a wrong man?It's not worth it at all !

wingless 2014-02-25 22:36

If he can obey his mother just like that, then I think your friend would be better off to forget him completely. Revenge for him is not worthy of anything, tell your friend not to soil her hands. She will find someone someday who is really worthy of her.

voice_cd 2014-02-25 17:38

Thanks for sharing your story here! We have highlighted your story to the homepage.