

Don't ask my statistics but is estimated that about 800 to 1000 children in china are born to black african parents with chinese wives.the number is likely to increase since africans have a taste of many children and they are not limited to any number of children.the visa situation too may push the figures up as it's increasingly being difficult for africans to renew their visas in china.these marriages may be are real as it can be a short cut to life.children of foreigners have no social benefits in china and like in many western countries if not all, foreigners in this same situation are entitle to all the benefits like the natives.in china,marrying a chinese is no guarantee for your stay and worst still ,you can't work under such a visa(family visa).you still need a working permit before you can work which cost an arm and a leg to africans.
the society(chinese people)are not helping the situation.girls married to blacks are seen as worst of women in the world and are labelled as whores.the stares and fidgeting is unbearable.bizarre questions.my friend won't attend the funeral of his father -in-law because the family thinks the reaction of people won't be pleasant and will raise eye brows.
In a situation where the father is ejected from china as it has happened many times or was a gold digger and decides to make his family back in his country,what becomes of these children left behind by these black fathers?won't it be nice if the chinese government recognise these children and their fathers like in other countries?this is going to ease up things and make life comfortable to the already stressed up couples?in this way the society gets to know these children too are no way different from other children and deserve to be treated with no prejudice.
HOW DO YOU SEE THE FUTURE OF CHINESE CHILDREN BORN OF BLACK PARENTS IN CHINA?i am thinking of bring my wife over to give birth in china.i see many opportunities in future for children born in china.hahahahaa.


voice_cd 2014-02-13 09:21

Thanks for sharing your story here! We have highlighted your story to the homepage.