

What is that 11 year old girl doing in a sex shop?
I live in a neighborhood where there are many sex shops.they all have varieties of sex items.i have to walk this street atleast twice a day since i have to shuttle to work and back.i noticed that all the shops are owned by married women.after 4pm you will see them sitting inside with their kids.the children either eating, doing their home work or on the computer.on week ends they spend the whole day with their mothers.as young as these kids are some just 8 years,i wonder if they should be in such a place.do they know what their mothers are selling?
On a rescent vacation in Taiyuan for the spring festival with a friend who has a chinese wife,i found a similar place like in changzhou where i live.like in changzhou,these shops are close to the train station.same scenario with kids inside.is it a coincidence?i wonder.this time i decided to go inside and see first hand what happens when a buyer walks in.
the 11 year old girl by my estimate was sitting on the computer while her mother was in an inner room"mama you ren"she said(mama there is a client).i was looking around when the mother came.the english translaton will read."you study english in school.ask him what he wants"was like my chinese wasn't good enough.did i get that well?she repeated and that was when i had to be proud of my chinese.i wasn't wrong she said it.it appears to me then that this little girl knows what is going on here.
I walk to the counter and with a 'ni hao" we pick it up from there.she showed me the different kinds of self sex toys while carefully expalining to me their sensational feelings.you may want to know if her explanation was out of experience.sorry i didn't dare to ask.as the lecture was going on, her daughter was quiet on the computer.i assume she was listening as well and taking down every details.as more people walk in to that shop for different reasons so does the mind of this 11 year is stuffed with ideas.
after satisying my curiousity,i ended up buying a set of three set condoms for 32 rmb promising her to come back soon.she offered me two free trail pills she calls them "er shi si ge xiao shi"literary meaning 24 hours non stop
Two days before i was to leave Taiyuan for my city,my friend invited a bunch of friends for dinner.chinese and foreigners alike.it was such a fun dinner that after the dinner we shared life experience.i brought up what i have just experience in Taiyuan.it was such a stir with lots of mix feelings from our invitees.
"zhang"said she is not against these sex shops from operating but the fact that kids of such ages lingering inside the shops is unthinkable.she futher explain the great services these sex shops are providing to the public.she argures that these shops helps to keep marriages intact.without these shops some women will turn to cheat on their husbands with daring consiquences if discovered by their husbands.a divorce or death will be the altimate in situations of cheating.she thinks is a good way to avoid STD than trying to get a one night stand if you can't resist the temptation.she said many chinese men are treasure hunters staying away from their family for weeks and even months.so the best solution to these women of treasure hunters will be the sex shop.asked if "zhang" will like to keep one of these "rabbits",she said no with a smile looking at her husband.she said her mind set keeps her going when the husband is not around.
"kenny"adds that even the husbands are there,they come back won out and their wives never get as much as they would have liked to.with no intension of offending any one ,'KENNY" said the sex shops are plusable subsitute to most chinese men.that even bad luck cant explain the unfair treatment of asian men why nature wasnt too kind to them.
"TOM" is concern with the traditionalism preached every where in china.most chinese women thinks they are very traditional and will shy away when
'bedmathic sport"(sex) topics are being brought up.he said puting their kids in this kind of places at very early ages what are they trying to teach the kids?not to be traditional.i disagree with "TOM".going to the sex shop to buy what ever doesn't take out the traditionalism in you.tradition doesn't say we shouldn't have "bedmathic sports".don't just do "bedmathic sports" with the whole city.chose one "bedmathematician"i appreciate the fact that while we should up hold our tradition it shouldn't scale down our life styles.
"REN" has a more sensitive view on this.she thinks since sex education is not taught in chinese schools,mothers of sex shops are indirectly giving their kids sex education.they will grow up being more aware of their surroundings that their pees of same age.they are better place to avoid un wanted pregnacies and avoid SDT's.more to that they are very well orientated and can excel in some lucrative jobs where others will shy away from."TOM" said you may be right but that opens the door for an active early "bedmathic sports" for kids which goes against tradtionalism.
"HONG" is getting furious and to her, topics like this needs not be discussed.anything "bedmathics"should only be between husband and wife and should end in the cover of darkness in their bedrooms.if we continue on this topic she will leave.my friend's wife pleaded with us not to spoil such a fun night so we had to switch to keep ''HONG''with us for the rest of the evening.
Not even one chinese male participated in the discussion.i wonder if was because "HONG" cut it short or was it because ''KENNY" said earlier that most chinese men got nothing down there so the "rabbit"(artificial penis in sex shop) is what many chinese women are rushing for. may be chinese men are more traditional than the women.
The next day i decided to have a bath in one of the many public baths in Taiyuan.as i strip down,eyes started rowling and i heard a "kan lao wai"-look at that foreigner.another voice came this time with a much more surprise in it's tone."woooh,lao wai".your guess is as good as mind why the big "woooh"what i cant be proud of among my friends turns out to be a "wooooh" to others.i was the one eye man in the country of the blind.as i walk down to the shower,guys streaming around.while they were satisying their curiousity,i was confirming what "KENNY" said during the dinner.(chinese men got nothing down there)it was a clear win win situation.I had to hurry up my bath much against my wish because i was abit uncomfortable with the situation around.it was all about foreigners now.when i finished and was heading to dress up this guy showed me a thumbs up accompanied with "very goodda".i can't imagine what was going in his mind when he said that.the thumbs up was for what?.i was chocking inside with laughter but i manage to resist.i hurriedly went outside and burst in to laughter.i didnt say a single word while inside there.had i did i would have ended up holding a conference on foreign "rabbit"it becomes clear to me that there is need for more sex shops like this in china but without kids inside.
As for the free trail pills(TWO),i haven't tried them but will if i am lucky to get my EX back.how i wish i had visited this sex shop long before now.my EX won't have gone.no woman will dare go leaving behind 24 hours not stop "bedmathics bedmathetician"
I hope i didn't spoil your day with my article.what is your take on this.will a child be able to answer a question like what does your mother do?if the mother owns a sex shop?thanks for reading.


voice_cd 2014-02-08 10:59

Delicated observation about Chinese neighborhood. Do you think the sex shop in China is helpful?

voice_cd 2014-02-08 10:46

Thanks for sharing your story here. we have highlighted your story to the homepage.