As we get older, we cannot help but wonder what life is all about. Sometimes, I tend to belief very much in the fact that everybody who comes into your life has a reason to do so and it is up to you to learn something from him or her.
When that reason is done, he or she will just disappear out of your life for no reason at all, like a close friend who has moved away or someone dear who has just passed away or a couple who is divorced. I actually belief in cause and effect and it is mostly our actions which brings happy or sad results.
Everybody has a different karma and everybody suffers differently for their causes in their own samsara during their lifetime. I read a book titled "Many Masters" and through regression, the hypnotherapist managed to discover that the girl has lived 72 life times. All her fears and discomforts in this life were remnants from her past life.
The bit I find most interesting is that he found out from her that everybody around you or who comes into your life has always been around you except that they play different roles in each lifetimes and it goes on and on with each successive lifetimes.
How intriguing. When we were kids, we believed so much in ghosts and spirits but try as I may, I have yet to see my mum or dad or grandma, maybe, just maybe, I might get to see them again in a different lifetime but then I will not be able to recognise them anymore would I?