nowadays there are more and more parents confide their children to the care of the old man. The young have to work outside to earn money to support the family. It is really a good tradition for Chinese, cause both the young and the old have something to do and achieve their value. But it should not be the reason that the old people should take care of the children, they have the right to have their own life and refuse to look after the children.
Why I mentioned this topic? Two of my good friends asked me who will take care of my baby? I told them that I will bring my baby to my husband's city and take care of him by myself before I go to work, It will be about 6 months to provide breast-feed for my baby. Both of the two friends had already had a baby, they don't believe me and told me how difficult to do it by myself, what they mentioned most is " you will know it then, you will be very tired, have a look!" with a special tone.
I know it is difficult to take care of a baby by a fresh mother on her own, I know it will be very tired. So what? I know they maybe want to give me some advices, don't do it by myself. What I think is just that nobody should take care of the baby except his parents. No matter how difficult or how tired it will be, baby is his parents' responsibility, of course I don't mean that the two friends don't take care of their babies, I just think it should not be strange to do it only by their parents if they have the time. My husband's mother has taked care of three children by herself, including my husband and two brother's children. Wasn't she tired? Did she give up? Why can't I do it?
The old help the young to take of the children is good if the old do it of their own accord, we should appreciate them and not take it for granted. Though I am childish sometimes, I believe that I will be a good mother.I am not that vulnerable who can not raise a baby, everyone will be strong enough to take care of a baby. To be a mother, she will be no longer a girl, she should take the responsibility and accept the role of a mother. Nobody can instead of a mother. I may be tired then or complain, but I will not give up, he is my baby, I love him! There will be much more pleasure than tiredness.
It is really difficult for me to upload someting with an IPAD, I have to write on QQ Zone at first and then copy it and edit it with a computer.
you work hard to take care you baby and to load the essay...thank you.. you will become great Mother who your son will reward when you will get old.
Good lucky again!
Yes, mother is mother, grandma is the grandma, they will play different roles.
you are really very kind!thank you very much!there are really many mistakes I didn't pay attention to until you correct them.
To be a mother, she will be no longer a girl, she should take the responsibility and accept the role of a mother. Nobody can instead of a mother. I may be tired then or complain, but I will not give up, he is my baby, I love him! There will be much more pleasure than tiredness
so touching words ,your husband will take pride of you for having such a responsible and considerate wife !to tell the truth ,child must be raised by parents ,grandparents are always spoiling their grandchild,which is not benificial their growing!
15.she should take the responsibility and accept the role of a mother. Nobody can instead of a mother. I may be tired then or complain,
she should take the resposibility and accept the role as a mother.Nobody can take the place of her.Maybe I will feel tired,and then complain.
14.The old help the young to take of the children is good if the old do it of their own accord, we should appreciate them and not take it for granted.
we should appreciate for their voluntary painstaking efforts to help us take children rather than take it for granted.
12.I just consider it strange for their parents to do that while they have the time.
12.I just think it should not be strange to do it only by their parents if they have the time.
I just consider it strange that they leave their babies to their parents,whereas they have the time.
13.My husband's mother has taked care of three children by herself, including my husband and two brother's children.
My mother-in-law has been babysitting three children, respectively are my husband's and his two brothers'.
10.What I think is just that nobody should take care of the baby except his parents.
besides his parents
11.of course I don't mean that the two friends don't take care of their babies,
I don't mean that the two friends are reluctant to
are not willing to
would not like to