

Changes about my learning plan
Yesterday I didn`t write a bolg for the reason that I found it is too much work to do to keep my plan.I spent much time on Friends since it is really not so easy to understand it thoroughly.Actually I need more than 3 ours to finish one episode.Since I have to work everyday,plans must be changed.
I`ll keep on my dairy here everyday,while one episode of Friends each two days.
Things I learned from this is that,we need to make a reasonable plan which can be carried out but not so easy.Small adjustments are needed to make it more rational.
Come on!Success belongs to the persevering.


JingDu 2013-06-14 10:08

Thank you for your "smart"theory,and I`ll think about it.

querist 2013-06-07 02:43

That is great that you have a plan and that you are tracking your daily progress! What is your goal? Are you working toward a measurable goal?

One of the amusing things about English (and other languages that use alphabets) is that we can create acronyms to help us remember things. An acronym is a word or set of letters where each letter represents a word. Several English words are actually acronyms, such as LASER, RADAR, and SONAR.

A good acronym for setting goals is SMART.
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Relevant
T = Time-Bound

S = Specific. You need to be very specific in how you set your goal. Simply saying "I want to speak English fluently" is not specific enough, because what exactly does "fluently" mean? I am a native English speaker, but I cannot discuss certain topics intelligently in English simply because I do not know anything about those topics. I have two doctoral degrees, so I am considered an expert in certain areas.

I was going to leave a long comment here on this but I decided that it would be better suited for a blog entry of my own. I am going to submit the blog entry today so it should be available by the time you read this.