

What Can I Do?

Life seems almost the same every day. And I am work, work and work… It seems work take up a large part of my everyday life.

After my graduation, I found a job in a small city. I work here about two years. Life is so quiet and calm here. Maybe sometimes, this kind of life state is good. You will don’t feel too much pressure, but sometimes, I feel it’s so boring that my life has no change and almost the same.

Now, I am young and I have the energy to change my life. If I do nothing to change, maybe when I get older I will no longer want to change.

Sometimes I feel so confused because I don’t know what I can do to change my life. I think maybe I can change the job I have now and leave the city I live now, but I am afraid I will meet a lot of difficulty when I go to a new place where I totally have nobody to depend on, I will feel so lonely, because I feel I am already so familiar with the place I live now and I have friends here.

What can I do now? My dear friend, could you please give me some advice?


Lily_ly 2013-06-27 18:14

Thank you for your sincerity.  

serina87 2013-06-18 10:32

After i changed three jobs, I find that there is no perfect job, every job has its unpleasant part, if you always focus on the unpleasant side, you can never find the job you like, so what we can do is to accept the fact and to be content with the present state, trying find the good side of your present job. For me, I can see your job is stable and of little pressure, I think these are good side, which you can stay for. If you can't change the enviroment around you, you can change your mood and state, try to find something interesting to do after work. Hope you will find the new passion in life. 

magnumlea 2013-06-05 16:26

You are welcome.  It is filled with happiness and doing my best to maintain it. Thanks a lot.

Lily_ly 2013-06-05 16:23

Thank you very much for your encouragement. I will try. Sincerely hope your life in China fill with happiness. Best wishes~ 

Lily_ly 2013-06-05 16:23

Thank you very much for your encouragement. I will try. Sincerely hope your life in China fill with happiness. Best wishes~ 

magnumlea 2013-06-05 12:27

If you will not take risks you'll never be in a place you wish to be.  What is your dream? Follow it.  Don't be afraid.  There are good people around, you just don't know.  I thought I would not be happy here in China but I was wrong.  Be optimist.  You have to try something new so you'll know if you can.  There is nothing wrong with failure and getting hurt.  Those will make you stronger and a better person.

Lily_ly 2013-06-04 17:30

Thank you~

voice_cd 2013-06-04 11:37

Your passage has been recomended! 

Lily_ly 2013-06-04 11:02

Thank you very much for your kind encouragement. I will try.

DSseeing 2013-06-04 08:59

Life is made up of choices. 
The more ups and downs you'll have, the more meaningful you life becomes.
I hope you'll keep searching your passion.