

Something about love
Today I want to write something about love,although I havn`t gotten a good point.Love,here I mean,has nothing to do with parents,friends. In fact I just want to talk about love between boys and girls.
We are commenly asked that which kind of love do you want,money or true love?
When young,we value the real love as things in case of not seeking,ignoring everything around.In my country a large portion of students enjoy this pure love during their high school or university,including myself.Thinking of those sweet and loving days ,I feel happyness surrounds me.Together we went to self-learing room,and also had lunch or dinner along with each other.He waited downstairs before our domitory building,and I helped him to clean his bedroom.Life seemed to be wonderful and full of love.
But approaching graduation,students often faced with problems allaround.Working or getting furthur education,it`s a question.Meanwhile going to first-tier cities which offer more job opportunities or staying in the hometown ,also trubbles them a lot.So lovers often say goodbye when graduate. And then they understand that this is the reality.
It seems to be more and more difficult for single boys or girls to find a truely loved partner after steping into the society.Then here we come back to the question:money or true love ,which do you prefer?
Actually,I think there is no perfect answer,just as there is no perfect person.Different people have absolutely disparate views on this question,and of course their life is quitely distinct.What I want to empharsize is that there is no direct relationship between money and living quality or between love and happyness.
Life is a journey full of unknow and what influence our feelings is inner side ,not outside.No matter how much money you own ,no matter to what extend you have been loved,no matter which lifestyle you lead,happy or not still determins by you.
In a word,just get to know ourselves and be ourselves now that only we ourselves are in charge of our life.Money ?Love ? Who cares,we are the same.


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