Banners promoting the Race
That's me standing under the entrance “gate” to the Dragon Boat Race
Thi picture and the next 2 Dragon Boats are getting in position for a race. Teams in the various races included women. Men, mostly Chinese, and also included some westerners.
They are off and racing
the drummer sets the pace for the team
above it is mostly quiet during a break in the competition. below Dragon Boats sit empty waiting for the resumption of the racing.
The next two pictures shows the busy schedule for th etwo days of Dragon Boat Racing
a look at some of the local architecture
After a nice lunch at a local restaurant, we decide to visit The Turtle Garden and the Jimie Liberation Monument
Above A narration describing the Turtle Garden and the Jimie Liberation Monument origins.
The next two pictures of The Jimie Liberation Monument
All thru the Garden information from the art work illustrated here to the images of insects, snakes and all kinds of information displayed on walls throughout the site the second picture below shows is a closer look at the artwork
Then next three pictures show the Dragon Boat Race in full flight all six lanes are full
Above the Dragon Boat in lane three has won and the race is now for second place
Below for me the lure of the Dragon Boat Race is not just the mystery and colour but the dedication of all members of the six teams, each with more than 20 people all working in unison for one team goal
Above More Dragon Boat teams getting ready in the staging area to head to the starting line.
Below shows fans and supporters at the finish line viewing area, watching and cheering their favourite Dragon boat to the finish.
What are you doing when the official Dragon Boat Holiday comes?
Thanks it was - I also enjoyed Dragon Boat Race in Toronto and the city I am living in now Barrie as its Dragon Boat festival this weekend. I will be out of town though kayaking with my sister and a brother.
Thank You voice_cd
It was an enjoyable day. I would have gone out for the second day and the final races but I am happy that I got to experience the race in Xiamen. I imagine the race on the actual Dragon Boat Festival days will be busier in Shanghai and other locations. It was a good crowd out busier at some times than others. A day well spent.
I have added some descriptions to the pictures in my album. My first attempts to load the pictures in the blog entry timed out and I lost the upload so I loaded them first and did not figure out ho to add the descriptions.
For me the lure of the Dragon Boat Race is not just the mystery and colour but the dedication of a team of 23 all working in unison for one team goal