



As we know, life is sometimes difficult for anyone. Then, it will be necessary for anyone to be enlightened or enlighten others. So everyone gets the chance to be the student or the teacher. One day, one of my roommates made a status in his QQ space. It read “Dealing with the disturbingly-busy schedule, no one will know how much I want to get rid of those boring curriculum every day! And my desire to skip the class is getting stronger and stronger. Life is as dull as ditch water!" And my response to that read “Life would never be lack of beauty. If you like, you will get what out of life you’re willing to put into it. So just adjust yourself to it.” “What if the sadness takes much more space in my heart than the happiness?” “Well, then you need to seek happiness and pay less attention to those things that bother you. The beauty is good thing that delight you. And it can be anything that makes you happy in your heart.” Even if I didn’t know how my words worked on my roommate, my roommate’s worry did inspire me. In the pace of life, we may get confused and cannot continue to move on with enthusiasm; on the contrary, we can also give our friends a hand when they are in the dark corner. We are apt to feel the great joy and happiness when we are a helpful and wise teacher for our friends. Furthermore, when we are inspired by others in need of help, the feeling will be much stronger. Then the communication between us and our friends is a win-win game which conveys happiness. Among us, to convey positive words is like the purest friendship. Colorful outlooks and values on life collide, and then wipe out the brightest spark, which makes sense for the depressed. They can absorb the nutrition of high spirit and get out of the mud of the low ebb of life. Besides, the “teacher” can actively give their hands or a warm hug of love to the depressed person, without attempts to pursue vulgar interests. In a word, enlightening others is a process that can satisfy both sides!


Challenging the limit, going beyond the self and keeping moving are the priceless qualities of every athlete. Thus, originally, every athlete deserves praise even though sometimes they lose the game! However, the world always “works” hard to distinguish good or bad. Those applauses and screams in the stadium always belong to the championship while those who are willing to make efforts too are always ignored -- the cheers for them are always unexpectedly low even if they stick to the end. The reason for that is just because they fail to win the game. Worse still, very few people care for those “losers”. (they are losers in peoples’ eyes.) And they are not willing to give their helpful hands to hold those exhausted. Last but not least, the unavoidable backwards of those in the dry tree would even invite audience’s complains! Unfortunately, I am a “losers” many times. The experiences are painful especially on the occasions. For instance, once I participated in 800-meter running I fell behind others even though I was doing my utmost. At that moment, I could clearly notice a storm of applause for the winner while I was slowly heading for the finishing point. After that, the stadium was so silent that I couldn’t hear any encouragement! I was more than disappointed but I couldn’t stop. I had to move without any cheerful voice. So, I can fully understand those who have had the same experience and the same bitterness and frustration. In that section of the final race, those falling behind often lose the power to move forward. They will consider giving up! However, they need to make it for the sake of not letting down those who are cheering them even if the cheers are not strong enough. Once upon a time, I wished I can command the audience so that I would order them to use the most sonorous voice to cheer the keep-on-fighting laggards, and to use the most enthusiastic and warmest arms to give them the embrace of encouragement. Thus, the keep-on-fighting laggards would suffer less bitterness and the world will be a warm, harmonious place to live in.


That afternoon, we were having analytical chemistry class and the teacher carefully lectured. However, I was still sticking to my own “new habits”- ignoring the lecture and doing what I want. Accidently, I discovered a very obvious typographical error. And my original intention was to let it go. Occasionally, I thought of what my chemistry teacher had said before, “You and I are friends and we are supposed to be honest with each other. So just feel free to point out any mistake so that I will have access to improve myself. Meanwhile, any advice for promoting the quality of our class period will be appreciated. I am looking forward to the good relationship between us!” He was so enlightened that his words had given a strong impression on me. After class, I headed to my teacher to point out that mistake. Pouring out the feeling did outweigh much more than holding it. The communication relived myself, with great happiness and gratify. However, to my surprise, the teacher specifically singled out for praising me at the start of the second class period, saying that I was careful and brave to correct the mistake. By the way, he encouraged us to keep the appropriate attitude towards study and discover something important. Now, look back on that, what I remember is that I was so proud of me at that moment! There is an impulse -- if mistakes are found, they must be explained to the teacher in the first time! That is more an attitude than a simple action! The power of the recognition is so difficult to measure -- it is like lightning that provides inexhaustible power for you and gives you courage and energy to stride forward! I am lucky enough to meet such an enlightened teacher. Thanks to his attitude towards teaching and learning, I am able to keep the positive to discover something significant.


A citizen, named "Yingzi sister", is a volunteer primary school teacher with over 18 years teaching experience and has been devoting herself to helping needy students by raising the money through the network. To be utterly ignorant network a long time ago, she now has her own website. And relying on the power of the internet and her wisdom, she has achieved a lot. With the help of about 4290000 Yuan sent from more than 900 users at home and abroad, she made it to financially support a large number of children from the country's poverty-stricken areas! More importantly, each fund from those enthusiastic netizen has corresponding information feedbacks, including the contact way of the recipients, home address, recipient reason, amount and recipients’ Autograph Letter of thanks and so on. And the financing processes are all finished by her and she pays for that with her small salaries. Eventually those funds are successfully sent to recipients’ hands, regardless of the rugged mountain road or waterway bumps. Her dedication for the public and enthusiasm for work deeply moved me. She is more a philanthropist than a teacher. The world needs more people like her who is filled with enthusiasm for public welfare. Only in this way can we enable more school-age children in need of help and care to enjoy their rights of education and the world will become more harmonious and beautiful. Let’s clap and cheer for her and those like her!




We sometimes find that it is far more fulfilling to perform in campus than to stay at home. And we may easily get bored when staying at home, especially during a long holiday. Then we will immerge in the memory of devoting ourselves into studying at school, which relieves us from the tiresome stuffs. However, don’t you realize that when staying at home, we have rights to get rid of endless homework and refresh ourselves wherever and whenever we like. It’s no need for us to think how much work is left and what class period is on our schedules. And we have time, adequate time, for sleeping, for fun and other things we like. It is "home" that in virtually eliminates the pressure. There, our hearts can be filled with warmth, pleasure and strength. Although it is not enough to make you uproarious, it has imperceptibly already played the role: it can dispel loneliness and enable us to get rid of the old trouble, especially when you think back to the campus in the "line" of life. You can profoundly understand its magic charm on that occasion. Is staying at home sometimes boring? No! Tt depends on you. It depends on what you think and what you do. Specifically, after leaving home for such a long time, every one of us must have a lot to talk and to share with our families if we are willing to. Unquestionably, that’s an efficient way to avoiding boredom. Our families are interested in our experiences in campus without uncertainty. If we are willing to talk about our classmates, our teachers, our studying and anecdotes we come across in campus, they will be good listeners. Besides, if we have something confusing, they can do their utmost to enlighten us as soon as possible. We are shining stars at home! We are supposed to display the most perfect posture of us and everything will be better.


The lure of drowning in the summer holiday’s great joy is not easily resisted. Everyone is going to refresh himself after being busy working for such a long time, for which one of my classmates was left along by his other three partners to prepare for their experiment. About 2 months ago, they 4 guys made it to apply for one project and the team made a plan that they would stay to finish the experiment in this summer. And here is the time but regretfully, three of them went back home to enjoy the vacation while only one person, not the leader of the team, was abandoned here. That meant the one left had taken on all responsibilities. He had got to devise the experiment plan, ask their professor for help, polish the plan and compose the experiment report no matter how long it would take. Sadly, he told me he’d got so regretted and helpless after promising to have the experiment well handled. No doubt, it seems impossible for him to get through the hard-pressed situation because that task was for the whole team, not for any single. The task needs to be done with the joint efforts of the four. Ridiculously enough, the escaped three have made fool of the left one. They have avoided their responsibilities for empowering the team and taking care of each teammate. I would rather stop to think that three guys abandoned their teammate on purpose. It is unvirtuous and disturbing to play a trick on teammate. Obviously, those escaped have relieved themselves from the boring procedures of the experiment. But that have made the left one suffered. Besides, their self-centered conditioning was so deeply rooted they can’t make the leap to reinforce the lessons they had learn in practice and to get them to embrace the concept of selflessness wholeheartedly. Worse still, if the left one fails to have a better handle on the project, the imperial glory of the team would be a blur, which would dismiss their awareness of what the team is doing as a whole. Just as Phil Jackson once said in the book Sacred Hoop, “This is the struggle every leader faces: how to get members of the team who are driven by the quest for individual glory to give themselves over wholeheartedly to the group effort.” To be brief, playing tricks is not allowed to happen to a team and it matters for empowering a team that all members of team are willing to surrender the “me” for the “we”.


With the rapid development of Internet technology, social networking sites become increasingly prevalent and gradually penetrate into every aspect of netizens’ life, which contributes to sustaining its attention of the public. However, whether the social networking sites, such as QQ, Fetion, Facebook, Weixin and so forth, do help to the social life of community or not depends on people. On one hand, it is well received by some people that the social networking sites provide easy access for people to make friends with others, to know others’ world and share something enjoyable with others without any limitation of time, region and race. Just as one of my friends said, “The high-techs are improving our life and today, we have no need to worry about having no accompanies to talk and to share something. Furthermore, we can now enjoy ourselves by possessing our own space where we can decorate it with unique style, write down our thoughts and feeling, share something new we came across with friends and even strangers. And we can find out colorful beauties of life. It’s amazing!” On the other hand, curiously enough, other people take it seriously for the negative effect of the social networking sites. They claimed that the virtual-world experience, such as on-line chatting, makes no sense. Although relieving people from hard-pressed work temporarily, they increase the risk that more and more people liably and uncontrollably pour too much time into on-line chats, which significantly has bad influence on their work or study and even cause them to be addicted to it. And around me, a certain number of teenagers couldn’t handle it well and the social networking nearly destroyed their study. From my point of view, the social networking site is a double-edge sword. The function and kind of it are tremendously various but not all of them fits everyone in. It’s high time that we chose the right one appropriately and make good use of it so as not to obstruct our daily work.


It would be a little sad to sad I’ve had just only one experience of movie-going (I’m sure more and more I will try in the future :)). Believe it or not, the first-time experience wonderfully comforted me and excited me. The ever-powerful World Wide Web gives us all tremendously easy access to enjoy the colorful world full of abundant resources. If you like, with the help of the Internet, you can watch any movie online whenever and wherever, without suffering from traffic jams and the terribly-hot weather, or being bothered by the high price of movie-going. It seems that watching movies online is much more in keeping with the low-carbon lifestyle and more comfortable and affordable than going to a cinema. However, simultaneously, you may lose the chance to immerge yourself in the joyous atmosphere created by the special occasion in a cinema, which is considered as the most important by the majority of movie-goers. Last summer, I, with one friend of mine, went to Zhengzhou Wanda Cinemas. How amazing! I was not suddenly shocked at the luxurious furnishes of the cinema yet at the level of caring and thoughtfulness of the service of it (Honestly, I’m not advertising for Wanda Cinemas.). Firstly, the movie theater was appropriately designed without being too big to feel cold inside. And the seats were soft and comfortable enough to relax audience. Secondly, the warm artificial lights were ornate-elegance and bearing extraordinary. Meanwhile, accompanied with the pace of plot-going, they would be suitably switched on or off. Thirdly, the “graph Lan Duo”cork wallboard was chosen to realize high grade acoustics, which produced the first-class sound effect to sustain the continuity in its appeal. Last but not least, it was enjoyable because lots of people with the same interest as you were there being engaged in the wonderful movie, which would make it more available and possible for you to enjoy yourself.


When I was in senior high school, one of my teachers once said, “Look back on the past and look forward to the future”. Although she was exemplifying the sentence referring to the phrase “look forward to”, she was saying those words that had influenced me for so long. However, a saying goes, “It is easy to be negative about past mistakes and unhappiness. But it is much more healing to look at ourselves and our past in the light of experience, acceptance and growth.” No matter how lucky or unlucky your past was, change your thinking from the negative one to the positive one, appreciate it, learn from it and look forward to the future. I reached the low of my study in the second semester, failing to pass the physics final exam. Ridiculously enough, at first, I fully believed what others said, “That’s not the end of the world! On contrast, it would surely enrich your collage life.” But, beyond my expectation, it turned out that almost everything got hard-pressed and even impossible because of the silly failure. I lost the chance to apply for the scholarship. Besides, I had no qualifications for getting the school roll student which was regarded as an important part of standing out. Worse still, my counselor told me I wouldn’t be chosen as a key person to be trained by the institute simply because I failed one exam. Inevitably, I was eventually vanquished by the negative emotions, immerging myself in a pessimistic world, which prevented me from moving ahead on the road of study. Our past is a series of lessons that advance us to higher level of living and love. With the passage of time, I acquire adequate self-knowledge from that silly failure. The formula that the gain is equal to the pain is one-sided and it sometimes makes no sense. Not everything you’re doing or have done can get something in return. And the past failure sheds some light on the study habits or methods with which there is something wrong. Fortunately, mistakes can always easily capture people’s attention and stimulate their imagination, warning people to take some measures to refine and extend methods or choose to adjust themselves to the changing circumstance. For example, Thomas Wolf, an American novelist, had his first novel Look Homeward, Angel rejected 39 times before it was finally published. It’s his past failures that earned him a lot. It is our past that gives us access to accumulate experience, learn to accept and have benefit of reality, which enables us brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another’s happiness and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around, thus, increases our chances of success and paves the way for us to enjoy a bright future.