Real Freedom
Recently, I read the passage,"This is Water", written by David Foster Wallace,but I am puzzled now. “Freedom? What the hell is real freedom?” Like the two young fish in the story, most of us have not thought about this problem carefully. However, in other hand, we almost have heard some banal platitudes which seem to define the freedom. So, do you really understand these definations? Are they real freedom? David Foster Wallace, the wise old fish (even though he didn’t think so), got his own answer after going through enough life and thought. But as a young students, especially in china, having no enough life experience, what does the real freedom mean for us? Can you give me your comprehension?
nice to meet you!
Hi, I am wrckaka. Obviously, I am a fan of kaka. But, my favourite football club is Chelsea! Blue is the colour!COSTA is strong!haha! I hope I can make friends with you ,then we can talk about football together. Of course, I can also hope that I make a friend who can teach me English! Look forward to seeing you!